The Good Doctor is a medical-drama television series developed by David Shore and Daniel Dae Kim, based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same name. Shaun Murphy (portrayed by Freddie Highmore), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to ...
"In Tough Titmouse, whose side were you on?" and more great discussions about The Good Doctor Wiki
The Giggle was the third and final of the three 60th Anniversary Specials of Doctor Who, broadcast on 9 December 2023[1] as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations. The Giggle notably marked the return of the Toymaker, now portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris, fifty-seven years after his ...
the denizens of the Gamma Forests) translated the word doctor as warrior, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 6 (BBC One, 2011).) whilst others saw the Doctor as a compassionate benefactor, worthy of their admiration and compassion. (TV: Last of the Time...
The Lodger was the eleventh episode of series 5 of Doctor Who. Based on a comic strip of the same name, it was the third instance, after Human Nature and Dalek, of a story from another medium being directly adapted for television. It was also a companion-lite story, somewhat like ...
The Doctor's Daughter was the sixth episode of series 4 of Doctor Who. It was significant for introducing only the second known genetic relative of the Doctor seen in a televised episode in Jenny, a female created by a progenation machine from his DNA. A
Rise of the Cybermen was the fifth episode of the second series of the 2005 revival series of Doctor Who. It was the first part of a two-part story. Discounting the inactive helmet that appeared in Dalek, this episode served as the formal reintroduction
(COMIC: The Glorious Dead [+]) When he ultimately emerged from the Eye of Harmony for good, the Master appeared as a gas and took possession of a series of human bodies, though found they all eventually decayed to resemble his original decayed form. (AUDIO: Mastermind [+]) In his ...
“When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it'll never end. But however hard you try you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever for one...
Working male actors who have starred in major films or TV series in the last ~5 years Latest additions: Glen Powell, Colman Domingo, Hugh Grant Most divisive: Sean Penn Over 144.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Actors Working Now HOW RANKINGS W...