Toad is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a loyal and cheerful friend to much of the cast. Toad often plays the role of representing his species, be it as as a main character or a...
Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
6. to constitute: one swallow doesn't make a summer. 7. (also intr) to come or cause to come into a specified state or condition: to make merry; make someone happy. 8. (copula) to be or become through development: he will make a good teacher. 9. to cause or ensure the suc...
the ghan the gift of making fr the gift of subira the gingerbread girl the girl drives the girl grinned the girl in the car i the girl needs some s the girl of fishing f the girl who kicked t the girl who was deat the girl with a drago the girls came in the girls tears the gl...
c. To make good use of something because of need: I could do with a hot bath. 3. a. To serve a specified purpose: This coat will do for another season. b. To be proper or fitting: Such behavior just won't do. 4. To take place; happen: What's doing in London this time of...
this copy machine doe this copybook this could happen this course includes this credit is subjec this dark this daytoday weeek this demon this design this difference becam this dream this dual approach to this election had man this environment this essay tries to d this extra efficient this ...
It was rather frosty, even in the sub-tropical paradise of Cuba. During the Cold War the Soviet Union aka Russia led what was called the Warsaw Pact in a global conflict of world domination against the United States and it’s Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, better known ...
gov’t has lost a nuclear device.I’m kind of surprised after all of his efforts to get his journals returned that the good doctor never met with an unfortunate accident. How about an article on the thermo-nuclear weapon lost from a wounded B-47 off the East coast. Circa 1957 I ...
In theVāsavadattā[28]of Subandhu, a romance written some time between the fourth and fifth centuries (although others place it in the seventh), this passage is included: The (rainy season) even the (fate of rain), played, as if with chessmen coloured with lac, with yellow and green ...
6. to transform: making a vice into a virtue. 7. to induce; compel: to make them do it. 8. to produce, earn, or win for oneself: to make a good salary. 9. to write; compose: to make a poem. 10. to draft: to make a will. 11. to agree upon; arrange: to make a deal....