aThe reaction by the elderly gentleman he caught smoking in Guangzhou's main bus stationsurprised Chen Weiguang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the GuangzhouMunicipal People's Congress. The reaction by the elderly gentleman he caught smoking in Guangzhou's main bus stationsurprised Che...
如果我没有被摄影机分心的话 If I had not been distracted by the cameras, 我不认为我会错过她的反应 I do not think I would have missed her reaction. 三度烧伤总是麻木的 Third-degree burns are always numb. 所以你可以再做一次手术 So you can do another surgery. 这是我的测试 证明我已经准备...
病人经历了一些可怕的事情 She went through something awful, 我的反应却是指责她 my reaction was to judge her. 和大家指责我的方式没两样 The same way people judge me. 不要苛责自己 Dont beat yourself up. 你又不知道 You didnt know. 你是一个好朋友 Youre a good friend. 我知道 I know 但是...
a minor anesthesia reaction. 你应该很快就会好起来了 You should be good to go very soon. 谢谢你,艾伦医生 [SIGHS] Thank you, Dr. Allen. 我们可以在回家的路上,去一去警♥察♥局 We can stop by the police station on the way home 这样你就可以报案了 so you can make a...
After six, only one with a minor reaction. 你那边呢? -一样 You? - Me too. 搞定12 个 还差一个 So we are 12 down, one to go. 里格斯先生? Mr. Riggs? 里格斯先生? Mr. Riggs? 对不起 Sorry. 我打了个盹 I just drifted off. 让您久等了 我的错 My fault for ...
Attitudes, perception and knowledge of general practitioners towards adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting in Malaysia – A pilot study Background: The main form of pharmacovigilance system in Malaysia is the spontaneous voluntary reporting system for adverse drug reaction (ADR) set up by the Malaysia...
她的身体有一半的可能 Theres a 50% chance 会出现急性毒性反应 her body will have an acute toxic reaction. 我们还是治疗感染吧 Were going to treat the infection. 她下次还会出现感染 没完没了 Shell get another infection. And another, and another, 最终 她还是会死于感染 and eventually, one of ...
thermistor heat detec thermit reaction thermla protection thermo scientific eas thermo sensitive geni thermo-alcoholometer thermo-chemical dehyd thermo-insulation thermo-planisher thermoanaerobion thermochemicaldestruc thermocontroller thermocouple sensor thermocouplepyrometer thermocouples attachm thermocurrent thermo...
即使没有我的伴奏,她也能做到这一点She's made it even without my accompaniment. 哩八、、Hey. suggests she'll ha 34、ve an even worse reaction to the antibodies. 如果我们尝试不同的嫁接技术,如…What if we tried a different grafting technique like... 不,不,有太多的疤痕组织从..・No, no...