阿迪的眼睛 Ardies eye. 我给玛蒂买hearts;hearts;的第一样东西是土豚娃娃 First thing I ever bought Maddie was a stuffed aardvark. 那天我做了一个21小时的手术 Back in the day, I performed a 21-hour surgery. 我从脑干髓质中 切除了一个星形细胞瘤 I removed an astrocytoma from the medulla of ...
The Good Doctor《良医》第六季第十九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,前情提要 Previously, on The Good Doctor… 我想尽快再做一次胚胎移植 I want to do another embryo transfer ASAP. 你脸上有点儿生菜 不 是这里 You have some lettuce. -No, no, no. Here. 格拉斯曼医生
Doctors suggest that maintaining good personal hygiene, avoiding crowded places, having a healthy lifestyle and visiting the doctor when symptoms surface are useful tips to prevent and control whooping cough.
Our mortality is touched upon in verse 3 (“In flesh he dies”) and verse 4 (“after he is dead”), but verse 5 stops to face our fate directly. As both physical and spiritual creatures, we alone fear “two deaths”—the death of the body and the death of the soul. As dwellers ...
The fact that she's dragged along the ceiling, screaming, before she dies, as her boyfriend looks on in horror, only adds to the shock of the scene. See our guide to the Nightmare on Elm Street movies in order. 14. Poltergeist (1982)Image credit: MGM/UA Entertainment Co. Director: ...
Knopf’s adage that many a book dies on the day it’s published. It came out in October 1939, earned good reviews, and vanished. There are no used copies available online and only a dozen library copies listed in WorldCat.org. Fortunately, it is available on the Internet Archive in ...
You'd think this one is set in 2024, given its main events take place a year after T'Challa dies. T'Challa appeared in 2023's Endgame, so that would make sense. However, it's set in May 2025. Ms Marvel The official Marvel timeline book places the Kamala Khan-starring series in Oc...
Taste the Rainbow Platter: Take watermelon cubes, Cuties oranges, kiwis, blueberries, frozen grapes, and some mini marshmallows for clouds (brands like Smash Mallow orDandiesare our go-to). Piatto d’Italia: Take a quick trip over the pond and into Italy with an array of olives, nitrate-...
After about 10 seconds the bear dies and Willy Fulton then reportedly says “I want to look that bear in the eyes” and states that he is sure that this was the bear that chased him back to his plane earlier. (Ellis 2003, pg 3)...
你的前女友 利姆 那个守卫 Your ex, Lim, that guard, 他们都有望完全康复 theyre all expected to make full recoveries. 所以现在 你只有谋杀未遂的问题 So, right now, all they have you on is attempted murder. 但如果这孩子死了… But if this kid dies... 你没跟手术室沟通过 You-- You didnt...