The second wife of Pantaleon Borromeo y Galan (Pantaleon was of course a younger brother of my great-grandfather José Maria Borromeo y Galan) was named Francisca Good de Borromeo. They had two sons, named Francisco Borromeo y Good and Patricio Borromeo y Good. Francisco Borromeo y Good marrie...
Despite public outcry and Linden staff concerns expressed to Hazim Gazov when he reported the existence of the database, the fate of Modular Systems’ database is a mystery. Herald inquiries to both Linden Lab staff and ModularSystems leader Fractured Crystal have been met with silence since th...
1784. Anleitung alte Schiiden und faule Geschwiire grundlich zu heilen, nebst einem Anhange ueber eine zweckmasigere Behandlung der Fisteln, der Knochenfaule, des Winddorns, des Krebses, des Gleidschwammes, und der Lungensucht.* Leipzig: S. L. Crusius. 1784. 16mo., pp....