It was not the first time, nor the second, that I had gone away-as it seemed, permanently-but yet returned, like the bad halfpenny; or as if Salem were for me the inevitable centre of the universe. So, one fine morning, I ascended the fright of granite steps, with the President's...
With interactive augmented reality games such as Silent Hill Origins (2007), BioShock (2007), Gone Home (2013), Bloodborne (2015) and Night in the Woods (2017) and fairground thrill rides (with names like ‘Vampire’ at Alton Towers theme park) we can experience what once we could only...
Where he removes a bag of white bread from the sad, empty fridge. The bread is nearly gone too. Only the ends remain. Ki-Tek takes a piece and picks off the moldy parts. He chews on the bread as he watches his son’s Wi-Fi dance. KI-TEK Son, if one seeks Wi-Fi-- He ...
—Karen Friedland, author ofPlaces That Are GoneandTales from the Teacup Palace Passionate and observant, Gloria Mindock is a tragic poet. Her books are wounds revisited. She knows that nothing, never heals. "With a rolling pin in my hand, I roll your heart out flat... stop it from bea...
she called out silently, to that essence which sat by the boat, that abstract one made of her, that woman in grey, as if to abuse her for having gone, and then having gone, come back again. it had seemed so safe, thinking of her. ghost, air, nothingness, a thing you co...
Books mentioned in this week's episode: Mothers & Sons by Adam Haslett Imagine Me Gone by Adam Haslett You are Not a Stranger Here by Adam Haslett Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout King Lear by William Shakespeare Moby Dick by Herman Melville ...
Caroline: Ihave a feeling that your fear of bees will be gone soon. There are things beekeepers do to protect ourselves. For example, we wear protective clothing. This is a beekeeper’s veil, suit and gloves. There are other things we can do, too. If I use a smoker, the bees will...
The stake for heretics is gone; the pillory is taken down; Bishops are even found lifting up their voices against the remains of persecution, and ready to do away with the last Catholic Disabilities. Sir Robert Peel, though he wished it ever so much, has no power over Mr. Benjamin ...