But bright-side alert: Halloween costumes are 70% off. We buy The Three Bears because there are three of us and Mama says when our time comes we can hunker like hibernators down deep in the bunker, like we’re waiting for Goldilocks, like won’t that be just-right cuddly? She does ...
Articles that struck a balance among factors were most credible, giving rise to the notion of a "Goldilocks zone", where credibility is highest. Interviews from both studies also revealed that perceived credibility was highest for articles that struck a balance among factors. This work has ...
Share on Facebook goldilocks Thesaurus Wikipedia gold·i·locks (gōl′dē-lŏks′) n.Informal A person, usually a woman or girl, with golden or blond hair. [goldy,golden(from Middle English :gold,gold; seegold+-y,-y; see-y1) +locks, pl. oflock.] ...
Goldilocks zone Goldin Golding Golding William Gerald goldish goldless Goldman Goldman Emma Goldman-Rakic Patricia Shoer Goldmark goldmine Goldney gold-of-pleasure Goldoni Goldoni Carlo goldplate gold-plate gold-plated gold-rimmed Goldsboro Goldschmidt ...
2.6. Goldilocks Zone model To bracket the Goldilocks Zone, we use the GDD and MI values of the regional archaeological data and GDD and MI values of spatially random points. The former represents presence points (n = 252), and the latter represents absence points (n = 252) (see Supplementa...
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At the organizational level the challenge for managers is to toggle between the two modes as the situation demands, keeping the enterprise in the adaptive space, the ‘Goldilocks Zone’, between the extremes. The journey continues…. [1] People at Gore & Associates call this ‘hierarchy-on-...
所属专辑:明日世界的米尔斯 Miles From Tomorrowland 音频列表 1 S01E10.On.SpaceGuard.-.Spaceship.Invader 382 2016-05 2 S01E09.To.the.Goldilocks.Zone.-.Hiccup.in.the.Plan 407 2016-05 3 S01E08.Downsized.-.Ride.of.the.Quarkons 407