The Gold Rush: Directed by Charles Chaplin. With Charles Chaplin, Mack Swain, Tom Murray, Henry Bergman. A prospector goes to the Klondike during the 1890s gold rush in hopes of making his fortune, and is smitten with a girl he sees in a dance hall.
上映时间1925年06月26日(美国) 导 演查理·卓别林 又 名寻金热 The Gold Rush 编 剧查理·卓别林 主 演查理·卓别林马克·斯旺汤姆·默里亨利·伯格曼Malcolm Waite 剧情 流浪汉查理随大批贫民到阿拉斯加淘金,跑进通缉犯拉逊的小木屋。接着,一名魁梧的寻矿人吉姆也闯进了小木屋,并抢到拉逊的枪。拉逊不得不出外...
While not chock full of extras, this edition ofThe Gold Rushdoes toss in some nice supplements on DVD Two. Easily the most appealing is the original1925 versionof the film. DVD One features the 1942 reworking of the movie. Chaplin took his previously-released flick, lost dialogue cards, add...
1925年拍摄的无声片《淘金记》(《The Gold Rush》),据称是( )拍摄的80多部电影中自己最喜欢的电影。讲述了小人物去阿拉斯加淘金,极度饥饿下甚至煮鞋为食、喜欢上舞女乔琪亚却被捉弄,但最终因锲而不舍获得了美人的芳心,并找到了金矿。 A. 鲍特 B. 卓别林 C. 格里菲斯 D. 梅里爱 相关知识点: 试题来源...
The Gold Rush(1925) Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp eats his shoe for Thanksgiving dinner while trapped in a snowstorm in this endearing silent film classic from 1925.Watch this one if you're in the mood to see a leather shoe prepared and eaten as if it were a delicious turkey.It ...
Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush. It is difficult for me to review a silent movie. They were made so long ago that they deserve credit for their originality. Yet I feel I should be fair by not fawning over an old film simply because it is old. Thus is my dilemma with Charlie Chapli...
《淘金记》是由查理·卓别林执导、编剧及主演的经典无声电影。这部由查理·卓别林 ,佐治雅·凯尔,马科姆·威特,亨利·伯格曼等主演的家庭喜剧片,片长96分钟,1925年上映。本片讲述的是一个流浪汉从淘金到成为富翁并收获爱情的故事。1992年该片被美国国家电影保护局收藏
版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 Gold Rush (1925)这部电影又打破了我观影的记录,上映时间比1926年的《大都会》早了一年。本片还是一部Charles Chaplin的默片,不过我看的是新版,用旁白取代了片中表述剧情的字幕。电影的故事顾名...
【MOVIE】The Gold Rush(1925)自记录以来第三个看的Chaplin电影,如果看,一定要找默片版本!默片版本!默片版本!千万不要找有声解说版,多余的配音严重破坏默片基础上的表演直观体验和听觉享受。场面调度自然为了呈现幽默而进行精妙的布置,音乐方面全程高能,旋律跟随故事起伏不说,演出时大量考虑音乐节奏让部分段落在视觉...
The Gold Rush (figure 1),1 a 1925 classic silent movie by Chaplin, depicted him in his trademark little tramp character as a lone prospector searching for the precious metal somewhere in Alaska. On 16 November 2011, the release of the current revision of the Global Initiative for Chronic ...