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嘿,朋友!给你找了个不错的资源 赶紧点击[S帝也F狂.The.Gods.Must.Be.Crazy.1980.D5.HALFCD-TLF.mkv]去看看吧,相信你会喜欢的。 希望这个资源能解决你的问题。还有其他实用的资源想让我推荐不?
此后的九个月 将没有水可以喝 But for the next nine months, there'll be no water to drink. 大部分的动物将移走他处 So most of the animals move away, leaving the blond grass uneaten. 人类没水活不了 就像躲瘟疫似地远离卡拉哈里 Humans avoid the Kalahari like the plague because man must ...
The Gods Must Be Crazy: Directed by Jamie Uys. With Marius Weyers, Sandra Prinsloo, N!xau, Louw Verwey. A comic allegory about a traveling Bushman who encounters modern civilization and its stranger aspects, including a clumsy scientist and a band of rev
上帝也疯狂(1980年电影) THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY Ⅰ #非洲喜剧 #非洲部落 #爱情电影 #现代文明与古代文明的碰撞 #艺术在抖音@DOU+小助手 @DOU+上热门 - 非洲金靖于20241109发布在抖音,已经收获了913个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The Gods Must Be Crazy (Explicit) - Armand Hammer/billy woods/E L U C I D/El-P/Elucid/Jaime Meline Composed by:El-P/billy woods/Elucid Produced by:El-P Zimbabwe Rhodesia Drive in movie theatre Toyota Cressida heavy metal speaker Don't kill the messenger Henry Kissinger my ...
6.1 力荐 17看过 169想看 片 名上帝也疯狂 上映时间1980年09月10日(南非) 导演Jamie Uys 又 名众神也疯狂 (上) 上帝一定发疯了 (上) The ... 编剧Jamie Uys 主演Marius WeyersSandra Prinsloo历苏Louw VerweyMichael Thys 剧情 版本一: 故事描述在非洲一个未经开发的地方叫卡拉哈里,虽然距离都市只有六千哩...
The Gods Must Be Crazy Youth/Gaudi 作曲: Martin Glover/Daniel Gaudi 下载APP 打开 相似歌曲 和这首歌相似的歌曲 Blurred Love (feat. YØUTH) Alt Pop - Global Genius / Youth Sufani Siddharta: Spirit of Buddha Bar vol.2 - Gaudi Bass Weapon Astronaut Alchemists - Youth / Gaudi Bethe Bethe ...
The Gods Must Be Crazy《上帝也疯狂(1980)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,这地方看起来像乐园 但它却是世界上最奇怪的沙漠 It looks like a paradise, but it is the most treacherous desert in the world: 卡拉哈里沙漠 在两季过后… The Kalahari. After the short rainy
The Gods Must Be Crazy A comic allegory about a traveling Bushman who encounters modern civilization and its stranger aspects, including a clumsy scientist and a band of revolutionaries. Title Summary Domestic Grosses Domestic (100%) $30,031,783...