Year: 1972Runtime: 2h 55mDirector: Francis Ford Coppola Maybe you’ve heard of it? In all seriousness, there’s a very cool opportunity right now to watch the entire Godfather trilogy on Paramount+, including the superior recent cut of the third film. You could then slide from some of ...
"Nom Watch Review" The Godfather (1972) Film Review (Podcast Episode 2022) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
nor do I have to emphasize how monumental an influence and impact it left on Hollywood cinema when it was released in 1972. What you may be wondering, though, and what I’m perfectly happy to answer, is why the Godfather films, which are frequently heralded as some of the greatest Americ...
The Godfather (1972) Courtesy Everett Collection//Everett Watch Now The first film of Francis Ford Coppola’s epic Mafia trilogy, adapted from Mario Puzo’s book, launched Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro to superstardom, and brought us a whole new Marlon Brando as Don Corleone. The film that in...
Stream 'The Godfather (2022)' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story anytime.
The Godfather (1972, 1974) Mario Puzo’s novel is an absorbing, dark thriller that fascinates, horrifies, and entertains. The first two films Francis Ford Coppola adapted from the novel elevate the sordid story into operatic triumphs that some consider to be two of the best films ever made....
MTV's Gore Girls take on director's ""... Terri: In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I am the horror-virgin and sissy half of the Gore Girls, and that blood and guts really freak me out. And so, I'm not entirely certain how to feel about ","'s bloodbath of...
Watch on Netflix The Black Godfatheris a riveting documentary about Black music legend Clarence Avant. A record label founder, concert curator, political activist, and a cherished mentor to several other executives that were inspired by his quiet but esteemed reign over the arts, Clarence truly di...
Godfather Style Breakdown Once again, Theadora Van Runkle captures the essence of the character through their style. In Fredo's case, it is clumsy and stupid. Single-breasted jacket:There are no buttons which is unusual. We also see a vibrant Madras checked pattern in orange and brown with ...
Long after we recorded our first episodes about “The Godfather,” our panelists get back together to talk about the late-sequel “The Godfather Part III,” or is it “The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone” now? Only Francis knows for sure....