The Godfather is a film directed by Francis Ford Coppola with Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall ... Year: 1972. Original title: The Godfather. Synopsis: Epic tale of a 1940s New York Mafia family and their struggle to protect their emp
Recently, it has surpassed 1972’s The Godfather’s global haul to accomplish an interesting title. It has also beaten the worldwide collections of Tom Hanks starrer The Green Mile. Scroll below for more deets.The 1972 epic gangster movie, based on Puzo’s best-selling 1969 novel, was ...
The Godfather: Part II Year Released: 1974 Two years after the ultra-successful first installment of The Godfather film franchise, the second part was released – and it did not disappoint. Starring the same celebrities and again directed by Coppola, the film brought in $88 million at the box...
resulted in a major box-office success for Paramount. The film opened in March and remained in theaters for much of 1972, earning upwards of $250 million worldwide.The Godfatherwas credited with not only saving the studio
The Godfather Part II(1974) Victor Rendina Philip Tattaglia T.J. Hooker(1982) Jeannie Linero Lucy Mancini The Godfather Part III(1990) Julie Gregg Sandra Corleone Man of La Mancha(1972) Ardell Sheridan Mrs. Clemenza The Super(1972) Simonetta Stefanelli ...
The IMDb rating is weighted to help keep it reliable.Learn more IMDb RATING 9.2/10 2.1M YOUR RATING Rate User ratings Filter by Country Countries with the most ratings United StatesUnited KingdomTurkeyIndiaGermany 1234567891051.5% (1.1M)24.9% (518K)12.5% (260K)4.9% (102K)1.8% (38K)1.0%...
1.The Godfather(1972) Paramount 1.The Godfather(1972) At this point, the world does not need one more film critic explaining whyThe Godfatheris a masterpiece. Instead, here is a perfect moment from the film that sums up the economy and brilliance of Francis Ford Coppola’s work: When Mic...
2. The Godfather (1972) Now almost more of a myth than a movie, this adaptation of Mario Puzo’s best seller tends to surprise new viewers by how pulpy and popcorn-y it is. That’s not a knock: What often gets overlooked in the rush to canonize The Godfather is its pure entertainm...
The Godfather(1972) Robert Cicchini Lou Pennino Coming Up for Air(2019) Rogerio Miranda Twin Bodyguard Armand Chronicle of a Death Foretold(1987) Carlos Miranda Twin Bodyguard Francesco Velvet Goldmine(1998) Vito Antuofermo Anthony 'The Ant' Squigliaro ...
导演: 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(1972) 3. 《彗星美人》 All About Eve 导演: 约瑟夫·L·曼凯维奇(1950) 4. 《教父2》 The Godfather: Part Ⅱ 导演: 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(1974) 5. 《码头风云》 On the Waterfront (1954) 导演: 伊利亚·卡赞(1954) ...