However, Observer hardly ever resorts to this due to his morals regarding how he sees this. Relationships Gabriel The Beyonder Adopted son he had met in True Godverse. The two have an overall great friendship and often meme with each other. The two play games with each other often, and...
A river as clear as crystal runs down from God’s throne and through the middle of the main street. It’s a place where no pain, sorrow, death, or suffering can mar the perfection of God’s realm[7]. Some Bible teachers and scholars have characterized heaven in these ways: Life far ...
These decent, God-fearing Christians are chowing down on a nice fried chicken dinner provided them by the county, smacking greasy lips and gnawing cobbettes of corn. “镜头沿着长桌,从陪审员身上一个接一个的扫过。这些体面的、敬畏上帝的人正吃着法院提供的美味炸鸡餐,咂着油腻的嘴唇啃着可比特玉米...
and a deckchair left outside. Among sharp stones my clangorous shadow. I am tired. I jut out from the earth. 3. God sees that I stand in the sun. He sees my shadow on stone and on fence. He sees my
...while we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,... - Titus 2:13
Does God promise those that follow him an easy path? Soon after Peter states that Christ-followers will face trials, he says that those who believe in him “are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (verse 8). Why do we often lose our joy when things go bad? What can you ...
We must seek after the things of God, and not after the things of this world. We must forgive those who hurt even, even to death. We must entrust ourselves to God – He has got us! St Stephen the protomartyr. Icon by Theophili ...
St. Gregory of Nyssa, in the fourth century, was one of many theologians who have shared Mark’s diagnosis of the human condition as one of persistent blindness. “Humanity was created for this end, that it might see ‘good,’ which is God; but because humanity would not stand in the ...
who was not blind to the atrocities committed in his own time, could still say that we “exist solely for this, to be the place God has chosen for the divine Presence. The real value of our own self is the sign of God in our being, the signature of God upon our being.”[i]The...
Suppose you want to find all the places where God talks about David. You can’t just search the Bible for the words “God” and “David.” That would leave out some important synonyms (Lord) and pronouns (he, him). Plus, even if you generated a list of all the times God and David...