God So Loved the World Author: Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J Paperback $21.95 eBook Login to Buy God and the World (Digital) Author: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger eBook $29.95 $19.47 Audio Book Paperback Login to Buy The God Who Loves You (Digital) Author: Peter Kreeft eBook $16.95...
The God Who Loves You (Digital) Author: Peter Kreeft eBook $16.95 $11.02 Paperback Login to Buy The Man Who Left His Mark (Digital) Author: Peter Kreeft eBook $15.95 $10.37 Paperback Login to Buy The Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived (Digital) Author: Peter Kreeft eBook $...
“God is not far away, He is a Father, He knows you and loves you; he wants to hold your hand, even when you travel on steep paths, even when you fall. Indeed, often in your weakest moments, you can feel his presence more strongly. He is with you, He is your Father! #Angelus...
Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. — Og Mandin...
— Dawn Eden, Author,Remembering God's Mercy "Secular culture loves things monastic like monk-made bread and calming meditation. But the heart of the Benedictine life is humility. This deceptively light hearted book offers a series of enlightening contrasts to make humility an attractive proposition...
“God loves us first, freely, taking the first step towards us without us deserving it; and so we cannot celebrate his love without in our turn taking the first step towards reconciliation with those who have hurt us. #GospelOfToday”@Pontifex, 12 February 2023 ...
In contradiction to this truth, American culture calls us to be “well-adjusted citizens of the Kingdom of this world,” as Christian philosopher Peter Kreeft trenchantly observes. We who name the “name above all names” have all too often acquiesced, in part by convincing ourselves that, ...
Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things. — Joe Paterno Life is a journey, not a destination; there are no mistakes, just chances we've taken. — India.Arie Those who walk with God always reach their destination. — Henry Ford Always remember that your ...
Through faith and hope, Christian love is meant to reveal God’s presence and to unite people in their fellowship with their creator, who loves them first. We see this love modeled in the New Testament book of Acts (2:44-45): “All who believed were together and had all 18Catholic ...
What he loves, I love; what he leaves, I leave; where he leads, I follow. For the Lord we both adore said to Peter his predecessor, "Who hears you, hears Me." That is why I am a Catholic: because I am a Christian.Peter Kreeft's portion from The Spiritual Journeys published by...