And so now when Don Corleone employed the Bocchicchios as negotiators and arranged for them to supply hostages for all the Families to come to the peace meeting, there could be no question as to his sincerity. There could be no question of treachery. The meeting would be safe as wedding....
The Question of God 作者: Palmer, Michael 出版社: ROUTLEDGE出版年: 2001-5页数: 384定价: $ 47.40ISBN: 9780415223874豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· This important textbook introduces the six great arguments for the existence of God, as found...
The God QuestionStenqvist, CatharinaExistenz
This paper points to the “last god” as highlighting the gifting-refusal of be-ing (Seyn), which both shelters and preserves the mystery of the divine. In the process, it is argued that the “question of God” cannot be developed in a historical vacuum, but must also be joined with,... 原书页数: 304 定价: USD 15.00 英文版Amazon.com有售 《终极之问》是 The Question of God 的简体中文版 繁体版在台湾将出。 译者是同一人。 评分☆☆☆ 原书页数: 304 定价: USD 15.00 英文版Amazon.com有售 《终极...
The Question of God 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 原书页数: 304 定价: USD 15.00 英文版Amazon.com有售 《终极之问》是 The Question of God 的简体中文版 繁体版在台湾将出。 译者是同一人。 评分☆☆☆ CS.路易斯...
God created things which had free will. And free will though it makes evil possible is also the only thing that makes possible any love or joy worth having. The abuse of this freedom, however, has made the human race a horror to God and to itself. (查看原文) Nostril 2024-11-29 08...
《The Question of God》是Free Press出版的图书,作者是Armand Nicholi 内容简介 Throughout the ages, many of the world's greatest thinkers have wrestled with the concept of -- and belief in -- God. It may seem unlikely that any new arguments or insights could be raised, but the twentieth ...
The Question of God在豆瓣网 原书页数: 304 定价: USD 15.00 英文版Amazon.com有售 《终极之问》是 The Question of God 的简体中文版 繁体版在台湾将出。 译者是同一人。 (展开) 20回应 从太初到永远2023-02-06 23:02:15江西人民出版社2009版 ...