Another figure in the scene is the outward-bound sailor, in quest of a protection; or the recently arrived one, pale and feeble, seeking a passport to the hospital. Nor must we forget the captains of the rusty little schooners that bring firewood from the British provinces; a rough-...
Because they harvestedbountifulcrops of corn, beans and pumpkins, the Pilgrims had much tobe thankful forin thefallof 1621. They and their Indianbenefactorsheld a harvestfeastto expressgratitudefor God’sblessings. 1621年秋天,清教徒们的玉米、大麦、豆类和南瓜都获得了大丰收。他们认为在这一年,有太多...
Indeed, the passage is about the protection of God. It is about our security, both here in this world, and in eternity. One might ask what the difference between the rod and the staff is. In the life of the shepherd, a rod is used to beat the predators away. The staff is used to...
普林斯顿大学 Princeton University 是世界著名私立研究型大学,位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是美国大学协会的14个始创院校之一,也是著名的常春藤八盟校的成员。普林斯顿大学与附近的普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS…
God’s will but not our own cleverness. The “helmet of salvation” can assure Jesus Christ to possess the absolute authority on us from being attacked. Among of the whole armour of God, the first five armours are used as protection. The “sword of the Spirit” is the only armour that...
Dr. Turner's control over dimensional energies created barriers to protect her comrades. Professor Carter's mastery of ancient spells cast a web of protection and disruption. Dr. Collins, with his celestial insight, harnessed the power of stars to weaken the Harbinger's grip. ...
In the turbulent old times, people hoped that everything could be blessed by God. They learned to respect and worship all things and make the gods who lived in them happy. At that time, people thought that the way to obtain protection and make everything go smoothly. ...
v. Agreus.) In Arcadia hunters used to scourge the statue, if they hunted in vain (Theocrit. vii. 107); during the heat of mid day he used to slumber, and was very indignant when any one disturbed him. (Theocrit. i. 16.) As god of flocks, bees also were under his protection...
In the turbulent old times, people hoped that everything could be blessed by God. They learned to respect and worship all things and make the gods who lived in them happy. At that time, people thought that the way to obtain protection and make everything go smoothly. ...