1.(Ecclesiastical Terms) a male godparent 2.the head of a Mafia family or other organized criminal ring 3.an originator or leading exponent:the godfather of South African pop. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
yourlovingfather. HailMary,fullofgrace blessedartThouamongstwomen andblessedisthefruitofThywomb,Jesus. HolyMary,motherofGod prayforussinners AlmightyGod,blesstheinsigniaofSaintSebastiantheMartyr thatitmaycontributetothesacrednessofhimtowhomitisgiven. Doyou,Michael promisetobefaithfultothenoblepurposesofthis...
MaytheblessingofAlmightyGod,Father,Son,andHolySpirit,descenduponyou,andremainwithyou,forever. CONGREGATION:Amen. CUT TO: Michael Corleone’s house in New York. LUCY Vincent, our name’s not on the list. VINCENT Write it in. Mancini: M-A-N-C-I-N-I… ...
来来来,在一首音乐里打开这部电影 《教父》(《The God Father》) 电影《教父》,改编自马里奥·普佐的同名小说,一二三部成就了美国电影的经典。 第一部讲述了以维托·唐·柯里昂为首的黑帮家族的发展过程以及柯里昂的小儿子迈克如何接任父亲成为黑帮首领的故事; 第二部讲述了迈克尔·柯里昂的奋斗历程,同时影片也回...
电影《教父》原声现场版 The god father - Treeman于20240401发布在抖音,已经收获了640个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The Godfather: Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. With Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard S. Castellano. The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.
——看电影《教父》(The God Father)1-3集 历史需要拉开距离才能看得清楚。好莱坞经典巨片《教父》享誉影坛,实属非同一般意义上的电影。它一共有三集,前两集分别于1972年和1974年上映,第三集于1990年与观众见面。第一集一上映就引起轰动,并获得奥斯卡三项大奖,教父的扮演者马龙·白兰度越加成为炙手可热的巨星...
His father Hagen had hated. His mother's blindness before she died had terrified him and his own eye infection had been a stroke of doom324. He had been sure he would go blind. When his father died, Tom Hagen's eleven-year-old mind had snapped in a curious way. He had roamed the...
所属专辑:2.5-3级交响弦乐试听 音频列表 1 3.0 金刚 King Kong Ted Ricketts 39 2022-04 2 3.0 教父 The God Father 60 2022-04 3 3.0 剪刀手爱德华Themes from Edward Scissorhan 43 2022-04 4 3.0 纪念仪式序曲 Commemorative Overture 48 2022-04 ...