pes Thesaurus Medical Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia PES abbr. photoemission spectroscopy pes (pās)·des(pĕd′ās′) A foot or footlike part, especially the foot of a four-footed vertebrate. [Latinpēs; seeped-inIndo-European roots.] ...
They redeem his nature from the subjection of time and space; he is no longer a "puny insect shivering at a breeze"; he is the glory of creation, formed to occupy all time and all extent; bounded, during his residence upon earth, only to the boundaries of the world, and destined to...
the glorious titles the glory of a soldie the glory of christma the god must be crazy the god of israel sai the godfather the godfather 2 the going rate approa the gold plating knif the gold reserve the golden child adde the golden goose the golden seal the goldfish in a gla the gol...
symbolizing glory symbolizing your data symbols and instances symbols and special c symetrical triangles symix symmetric symmetric ciphers symmetric functions symmetric key cryptos symmetric operator symmetric polyhedrons symmetric positive sy symmetrical communica symmetrical tonic nec symmetrical triangula symmetr...
In its heyday, this picturesque site featured in the 1972 Hollywood film Siddhartha.Today it is a depleted version of its former glory. One of the park's distinctive fea- tures was the presence of extensive heronries — nesting colonies of storks, ibises, spoonbills, herons and cormorants. ...
It was, to me, an act of honor untainted by its own glory.” 52. Personal communication 31.7.5. 53. Badyna includes Charles Darwin “not only for the famous incident with the letter from Alfred Wallace, but also, again, for his character in general” – pointing out that Robert Wright...
“would not a fanciful attempt at glory by handing the fate of the Empire to the powers of blind fate amount to a betrayal of the fatherland? Were such dreams of glorious maneuvers necessary at that time, when the aim of the war was to destroy the enemy, the enslaver of Europe?” ...
“second” GR weave the legitimizing power of the GR epic to justify current and future political strategies. For example, in 2006, while addressing the 93rd Indian Science Congress Prime Minister Singh remembered the glory of the past GR and motivated the scientists to work towards a “second...
2.To make subordinate or subject to the dominion of something else:"The urgency of the mating season is subjugated, for the moment, to the demands of self-preservation"(David M. Carroll). [Middle Englishsubjugaten, from Latinsubiugāre, subiugāt-:sub-,sub-+iugum,yoke; seeyeug-inIndo-...
gloriole, halo, nimbus, aura, aureole, glory - an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint sunniness - lightness created by sunlight highlighting, highlight - an area of lightness in a picture brightness - the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black...