世界著名画家Millet, Jean-Francois米勒油画作品:拾穗者:The Gleaners 作品分类 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网 【田园风光油画】【高山流水油画】【欧美风景油画】【桂林山水油画】【张家界 油画】 【森林风景油画】【草原风景油画】【花园风景油画】【村庄风景油画】【托马斯 油画】 ...
——真是一个非常“弗里达式”的遗愿。被称为“蓝屋”的她的出生之地,现在成了弗里达·卡洛美术馆。 (日)中野京子 作家的话 去QQ阅读支持我 还可在评论区与我互动 打开QQ阅读 上QQ阅读看本书,第一时间看更新 02 《拾穗者》 The Gleaners 米勒 Millet 上QQ阅读看本书,第一时间看更新 登录订阅本章 >...
夕阳下晚祷的钟声被远方敲响了,这对年轻的农民夫妇停下正在劳作的活计。 让·弗朗索瓦·米勒(Jean Francois Millet) 简介
The Gleaners, by Jean-François Millet / Public domain. Wikimedia Commons contributors, “File:Jean-François Millet – Gleaners – Google Art Project 2.jpg,”Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository,
Passage 090月日用时Millet米勒Do you know the famous painting-The Gleaners?Three women pick upgrain from a field in that painting.Do you know who painted the painting?Jean-Francois Millet did!Millet is one of the most famous French painters.He spentmost of his life in the country.He loved...
The Gleaners is based on one of Jean-François Millet’s best works. As an epic hymn to labor and representation of class strife on a large-scale, the painting was uniquely modern in the 1850s. A warm golden light suggests something sacred and eternal in this daily scene where the strug...
(redirected fromJean-Francois Millet) Thesaurus Encyclopedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Jean Francois Millet- French painter of rural scenes (1814-1875) Millet Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex In...
让-弗朗索瓦·米勒 来自: 《
Amazing Painting: The Night Watch by Rembrandt van Rijn Basic Painting: Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough Calm Painting: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat Common Painting: The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet ...
TheGleanersJean-FrancoisMilletFrance NapoleonCrossingtheAlpsJacques-LouisDavidFrance 《清明上河图》张择端(宋)Whichtypedoyouthinkeachofthepaintingsbelongsto?why?静物画 风景画,山水画 都市风景画 肖像画 写实画 宗教画 历史画 花鸟画 Whichtypedoyouthinkeachofthepaintingsbelongsto?why?portraitpainting The...