The Glass Castle 190 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 7/10 The emotional roller-coaster Castle The book is wonderful, one of my favourite and most memorable reads in recent years. It was thought-provoking, harrowing and poignant, with a chillingly troubled but complex ...
Rose Mary有哲學家般思維,事事總有一套博大的理論,卻不肯面對現實。Jeannette和她的姊弟們成長的時候,過着流浪般的生话,經常搬家。有時甚至在汽車上,在荒野間蓆地而睡。因為父母没有固定的入息,他們時常三餐不繼。有時甚至在廢物箱裏找可以下嚥的食物。終於,他們在礦場邊的一間破屋住下來,但卻沒有厠所、沒有...
Review byFutile_Pleutre The Glass Castle2017 ★★★ WatchedMay09,2024 Je n’avais jamais entendu parler de ce film avant de le visionner mais ce fut une très bonne surprise ! Les acteurs sont excellents (surtout le père) et on alterne entre le feel good et des moments bien sombres...
一些感受。 2020.3.23拖了好长时间终于把想说的说完啦 //写在前面 接下来的这点话大概是没什么阅读价值 只是我看完了书之后想聊一聊罢了// 今天把the glass castle给看完了!前前后后看了不到一个月吧 觉得还是挺有感触的 walls一家人每一个都塑造的非常有特点啊 每一个人都有我所欣赏的地方(当然这里我...
美国电影《The Glass Castle》(玻璃城堡) 作品类型:剧情 主要演员:Brie Larson(饰演Jeannette)、Woody Harrelson(饰演Rex)、Naomi Watts(饰演Rose) 故事概述:Jeannette的成长回忆录 上映时间:2017年8月11日在美国上映 典型的平庸之作!整部作品,除了演员发挥正常以外,其他关键要素(叙事架构、节奏把握、主题升华)的表现...
Read Matt Goldberg's The Glass Castle review; Destin Daniel Cretton's film stars Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, and Max Greenfield.
Review User ratings Also known as A young girl is raised in a dysfunctional family constantly on the run from the FBI. Living in poverty, she comes of age guided by her drunkard, ingenious father who distracts her with magical stories to keep her mind off the family's dire state, and ...
Review on the Glass Kestle玻璃城堡观后感Review on the Glass Kestle Sometimes you have to get sicker before you can get better. There are four kids in the movies,unlike other kids who have carefree childrenhood,they growing up with hungry,misery,noeducation,even have no fixed house.not only ...
The Glass Castle.(Brief Article)(Young Adult Review)(Audiobook Review)Boardman, Edna
There may be spoilers the rest of the review Verdict: Solid, but Overly Long Biopic Story: The Glass Castle starts as Jeannette (Larson) starts to remember her childhood after seeing her parents Rex (Harrelson) and Rose Mary (Watts) digging through trash in New York City, a place she is...