The Glass Castle: Directed by Destin Daniel Cretton. With Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, Ella Anderson. A young girl comes of age in a dysfunctional family of nonconformist nomads with a mother who's an eccentric artist and an alcoholic fathe
玻璃城堡(The Glass Castle)这本书我看了一遍文字,在喜马拉雅听了两遍音频。本书情节离奇幽默,在听第二遍时,我还是感觉到了一种亲情,尤其是父亲给作者筹齐了哥伦比亚大学的学费。玻璃城堡这个译名是直译的, …
I stared at the plans. "Dad," I said. "you'll never build the Glass Castle.""Are you saying you don't have faith in your old man?""Even if you do, I'll be gone. In less than three months, I'm leaving for New York City.""What I was thinking was you don't have to go ...
Moving, sometimes shocking, is a portrait of an athlete finding redemption by staying true, above all, to herself.About The BookPoetry
The Walls children learned to take care of themselves. They fed, clothed, and protected one another, and eventually found their way to New York. Their parents followed them, choosing to be homeless even as their children prospered. The Glass Castle is truely astonishing - a memoir permeated by...
The Glass Castle/玻璃城堡,作家Jennette Walls的成长回忆录,写成于2005年,改编的同名电影于2017年上映。 感受首先,这本书不难读。作者的语言很通俗简练,叙事为主,没有过多抽象高深的论述。遇到生词大部分能猜出一二,不影响对内容的理解。故事发生的年代也近,容易想象和共鸣,读的比较流畅。这本书讲了什么故事?
I guess by far, this is the most captivating book that I have ever covered this year. It's not easy to live a childhood like that. 评分☆☆☆ 一个作者如果不能完全的隐藏在自己的作品后面,便应该完全真诚地站在读者面前。而《Glass Castle》就是一本完全坦白,不编造也不美化的书,一部比小说更...
玻璃城堡 英文原版 The Glass Castle 珍妮特沃尔斯自传 女性传记 关于韧性和救赎的非凡回忆录 Jeannette Walls 英文版英语书籍 比虚构小说更离奇曲折的回忆录 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 ...
所以,the glass castle可能是她爹寄情于想象世界的一颗种子,随着年龄和阅历被无限扩大的憧憬。除了文字和城堡蓝图,还有酒精塑造了她爹。酒精或许真的是个好东西,那么便宜就能让人飞天遁地,让人忘记俗世烦恼。虽说她爹戒过一次酒,但最终还是旧病复发。还不是侧面说明了酒精战胜一切精神意志?所以她爹带着一家五口...