所以常常能在字里行间发现人类处世不道出的规则。Every being is assigned their job or to say what they “want”It seems that it’s describing our world’s lifeWhen Lily just received her jacket as a new Eight, she longingly looked at those bicycles for Nines. When people have gotten someth...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: giver 中英文 乔纳斯 剧本 jonas 菲欧娜 AfterTheRuin,westartedover, 灾难之后一切重新开始了 creatinganewsociety,oneoftrueequality. 创造了一个绝对平等的社会 Ruleswerethebuildingblocksofthatequality. 法则是平等的基石 WelearnedthemasNewchildren. 在我们还是新生儿时期就学会了它...
lawgiver- a maker of laws; someone who gives a code of laws lawmaker law,jurisprudence- the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order" ...
Rules and Laws in The Giver's Society In The Giver, Jonas's society is governed by strict rules to maintain order and suppress individuality. Rules include precise language use, mandatory apologies for tardiness, and rituals like the sharing of feelings. Families are assigned by the community,...
The revelations(被暴露的真相) of their controlled existence shattered(粉碎) the foundation upon which their society was built. Slowly but surely, the citizens began to question the rules that had bound them for so long. A spir...
1.The Giver的作品赏析 The Giver is a novel written by Lois Lowry and published on April 16, 1993. It is set in a future society which is at first presented as a utopian society and gradually appears more and more dystopian; therefore, it could be considered anti-utopian. The novel follo...
Jonas:After The Ruin we started over, creating a new society, one of true equality. Rules were the building blocks of that equality. We learned them as Newchildren. Rules like: use precise language, wear your assigned clothing, take your morning medication, obey the curfew, never lie. ...
在朋友的推荐下读完了这本The Giver, 在作者的笔下,构建了一个没有战争,没有饥饿和贫穷的社会,在现在的我们看来,这确实发生在几乎世界上每一个角落的残酷事实,所以书中的society是一个完美,一切井然有秩序的“和谐社会”,大同,没有选择的权利,按照人的秉性配对,不知... (展开) ...
What are two major conflicts in The Giver? Two major conflicts in The Giver are person vs. society and person vs. nature. Jonas is at odds with the traditions and rules of the community. When he escapes, he has to fight against the harsh conditions of nature in order to survive.Types...