英语文章 the giver 每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ceremony at the dinner table...
英语文章thegiver每章概述.pdf,英语文章 t he giver 每章概述。 c hapter 1: The story b egins with j on as ’a nxiety and ten si on, tel ling t he eve nts and feel ing s of j onas family during theday a ndsharing them over
2061 Gathering Blue-The Giver2 8.51万 The Giver《授者》章节版 1248 The Giver 记忆传授人 换一批 相关推荐 The护符the口语青春The日记他们说相声thethe世界口语the和and是不是小伴龙儿歌THE暗夜悲剧ChapterTHE的叫声the评书 The Giver-Marc Cary 歌单精选集34 Chapter9_9 译文有声2.40万 CHAPTER-09 北京咸菜丝...
The Giver-chapter 15 24732018-11 9 The Giver-chapter 16 27592018-11 10 The Giver-chapter 17 27332018-11 查看更多 猜你喜欢 25.6万 The Giver by:草原上的小木屋 3990 The Giver by:魏小钦 1.2万 THE GIVER全集四本 by:vivian为你读书 2061 Gathering Blue-The Giver2 by:ICS小树苗 8.5万 The Giver...
The guide is broken into approximately 3 chapter sections at a time with vocabulary and in depth questions. There are also literary terms used like foreshadowing. The story is very interesting and makes you think what could happen if we lived in a society like the Giver. Posted by Wendy L...
20 Chapter 15 • Why do you think The Giver asks Jonas to forgive him? Chapter 16 • The Giver gives Jonas many good memories. What are some of your best memories? • Do you think the elderly should be part of the community, or separate, as in Jonas's community? • Do you ...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Ch...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传...
Study a chapter 7 summary of Lois Lowry's ''The Giver''. Learn about the Ceremony of Twelve in the novel, discover Asher's Assignment, and read...