Matthew Bennett has recently developed a notion of what he calls recommendation trust, according to which well-placed trust in experts’ policy recommendations requires that recommendations are aligned with the interests of the trust-giver. While interest alignment might be central to some cases of ...
The English Poems of George Herbert(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 81. I am indebebted to Professor Wilcox for her richly annotated collection of Herbert’s English poems, each of which also includes summaries of the best Herbert criticism over the years. Since his poetry can...
Chapter 8 “Our Swedish Moses and Saviour”: The Use of Biblical Leaders as Power Legitimization in Reformation Sweden was published in Tracing the Jerusalem Code on page 147.
34Manheim,The Weak King Dilemma in the Shakespearean History Play,p. 169. In addition to Manheim's chapter (pp. 167-82), see also Robert B. Parker, 'The Prince and the King: Shakespeare's Machiavellian Cycle',Revue des Langues Vivantes,38 (1972) 241-53; and Michael Gol...