Explore The Giver summary and synopsis. Read a breakdown of The Giver plot elements, characters, and literary themes. Learn about The Giver author...
As a fan of the book, I had high expectations of The Giver, and I think they did a decent job adapting the story for the big screen. The characters are just as fascinating and three-dimensional as they are in the book. The dystopian elements feel fleshed out. Unfortunately, the movie ...
Why did Lois Lowry write The Giver? Lois Lowry wrote The Giver inspired by her father's memory loss and her reflections on the human tendency to forget pain. Her father's inability to remember his deceased daughter made her ponder the implications of a pain-free world, leading to the creat...
The Giver By Lois Lowry: Summary Satisfactory Essays 246 Words 1 Page Open DocumentTry Paraphrasing tool This novel is about a community where each person is the same. Everybody in this community go by certain rules and if they do not follow those rules they are punished. Everyone is to ac...
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SummaryOf The Giver Where Jonas lives, life is safe, orderly, and predictable. Rules are strictly adhered to; every aspect of a person's life is carefully planned. People rarely make choices on their own; everything is decided for them by the community. There is no snow or sunshine, no...
Home > Literature > Summary > The Giver > The Giver Chapters 4 - 6 SummaryThe Giver Chapters 4 - 6 Summarychapters 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 In chapter four Jonas rides his bicycle to the House of the Old where he sees the bicycles of his friend Asher and a girl named Fiona there ...
The Giver Chapters 10 - 12 Summary - The Giver by Lois Lowry Chapters 10 - 12 Summary and Analysis
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 2 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 2 读后...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Ch...