英语文章-the-giver每章概述.doc,英语文章 the giver 每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his par
英语文章 t he giver 每章概述。 c hapter 1: The story b egins with j on as ’a nxiety and ten si on, tel ling t he eve nts and feel ing s of j onas family during the da y a nd sh aring them over the dinner tab le cha pte r2 Jonas talked to hi s parent s, tal ...
About the book Published in 1993, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry is a thought-provoking dystopian novel that has captivated readers of all ages. This influential novel won the prestigious Newbery Medal in 1994 and has since become a staple in classrooms and libraries worldwide. "The Giver" is a...
《Gossamer》 Lois Lowry的文字朴实而温暖,从脍炙人口的《Number the Stars》到神秘又具争议的《The Giver》,亦如这本行文颇为巧思的《Gossamer》,剧情简单流畅,文字却充满力量,让读者回味无穷。 《Gossamer》故事短小而精简,细节描写却很突出;作者了了几笔勾画出的角色剪影们生动而丰满。 值得一提的是:这本书虽...
Parents, mentors, tutors, or v Focus on the Book Synopsis Historical Background Twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a future time and place The setting for The Giver is a well-ordered, well-run, and in which law and order, acceptance, consideration, and well-spoken community of the future. ...
英文名著--The Giver - Lois Lowry.pdf,The Gveri Lois Lowry For all the children To whom we entrust the future TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 It was almost Decem er, and Jonas was eginning to e frightened. N
Denouement: I guess the denouement would be Jonas trying to run away. After learning what release was, Jonas convinces the Giver to help him escape, and the begin to think of a plan. Jonas wants the Giver to come with him, but I think this is one of the best quotes in the book. ...
between Jonas and The Giver, and the wisdom passed down through memories, was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The ending left me with mixed emotions, as I grappled with the consequences of Jonas' decision to leave the community in search of a better life. Overall, the book left me ...
Review of THE GIVER In the book THE GIVER, I read the first 4 chapter. It’s about a you ng man called Jonas. He and a dozen of people live in a utopia world. They just know what love, respect and happiness is. They even do not have the abilities to lie. The part of the neg...
The bookThe Giver, written by Lois Lowry, tells a similar but much more powerful story. In the book, the community has chosen to live a life of Sameness where there are no memories of the good or bad. People don’t have to experience the ups and downs of emotions. ...