"First, let's find out WHO our generous giver is! We'll let the pinball decide!" Roulette Wheel[edit] "Welcome to the Roulette! Where you'll go, nobody knows!" "Ahem! If nobody's looking, slip me some coins, and I just might get you closer to the Star!" "Whaddaya say? You...
For me, the best way to begin a day is to head outdoors with a journal, pen, and mug of coffee, to watch God make a morning—especially this time of year with its temperate breezes, lush foliage, and dazzling flowers—all enjoyed to the accompaniment of birdsong. And while soaking in ...
That holiday would be Thanksgiving. So, you can enjoy aheartfelt rantthoughtful narrative about how we non-indigenous Americans grew up with a preposterous narrative, as summarized bymoiselfin theDepartment Of The Big Day Next Week, segment ofthis blog. Or, take it from the professionals: So...
the book has become known as “The Plasterer’s Bible”. Now out of print, except for the occasional third-party reprint, it went through four editions. It contains hundreds of black & white photographs and drawings which aren’t always of a very good quality with most of the modern...
Facebook may increase the number of people to whom we wish a happy birthday with a few clicks of a button; it’s not as if we remember the birth dates of that high school classmate or distant cousin. But if it becomes ___ behavior, is it even meaningful? As for people who aren’...
Similarly with Psalm 121. Verse 1 provides the question which must be answered by the second verse: “My help comes form the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” *** Marvels of the Universe from universetoday.com I love science and wrote a study book a few years ago about science and...
" (Do I have to transfer/change trains?). If there's a "dependent infinitive", it then goes to the end: "Sie muss das Buch finden". (English: She must find the book"). Modal Verb "können" Level A2. With he modal verb "können" (can/to be able), you can express an ...
solution: a page id becomes a vector in an embedding and a sequence of page Ids can be encoded by transformers as a simple vector. And even with little information on that page, the embedding can provide a good guess by using similar user interactions to other pages. Multi-task learning ...
Along with these came Phorbas to join their march, savage and insatiate." [N.B. Phorbas means "giver of grazing" but it is also a play on the word phobos "fear", the aspect of Pan which inspires irrational panic.]CHILDREN OF PANOvid, Metamorphoses 13. 750 ff (trans. Melville) (...
And so hail to you, Son of Zeus and Maia; with you I have begun: now I will turn to another song! Hail, Hermes, giver of grace (kharidotes), guide (diaktoros), and giver of good things (dotor eaon)!"Homeric Hymn 29 to Hestia : "Hestia, in the high dwellings of all . . ....