The Giver chapter 11 502024-02 10 The Giver chapter 12 192024-02 查看更多 猜你喜欢 3989 The Giver by:魏小钦 25.6万 The Giver by:草原上的小木屋 1.2万 THE GIVER全集四本 by:vivian为你读书 2059 Gathering Blue-The Giver2 by:ICS小树苗 8.4万 The Giver《授者》章节版 by:原著悦听 5005 The Gi...
The giver chapter 3(3) 82022-08 9 The giver chapter 3(2) 72022-08 10 The giver chapter 3(1) 22022-08 查看更多 猜你喜欢 25.5万 The Giver by:草原上的小木屋 3987 The Giver by:魏小钦 1.2万 THE GIVER全集四本 by:vivian为你读书 2059 Gathering Blue-The Giver2 by:ICS小树苗 8.4万 The ...
What happens to Siddhartha in chapter 7 of the book Siddhartha? What happens at the end of Infinite Jest? What is the summary of ''Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes''? How is The Giver society different from our society? Summarize Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'. ...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传...
The Giver Summary and Analysis of Chapters 3-4 Chapter 3 WhenJonas's father bringsGabrielhome,Lilynotes that the newchild has the same pale eyes as Jonas, which Jonas resents because society does not consider it polite to mention when an individual is somehow different from others. Most ...
英语文章-the-giver每章概述.doc,英语文章 the giver 每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his par
英语文章thegiver每章概述.pdf,英语文章 t he giver 每章概述。 c hapter 1: The story b egins with j on as ’a nxiety and ten si on, tel ling t he eve nts and feel ing s of j onas family during theday a ndsharing them over
27 -- 12:41 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 2 27 -- 18:34 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 13 34 -- 11:23 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 21 20 -- 15:29 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 14 38 -- 13:12 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 7 38 -- 9:38 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 3 16 -- 17:50 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER ...
简介 The Giver译为“赐予者”或“授者”,是洛伊丝·洛利最著名的也是最受争议的作品。在The Giver里,作者描绘了一个想像出来的乌托邦世界。在这个社会里,人们的...展开短评 打开App写短评 pandal2014-08-31 19:58:11 其实前几天就紧赶慢赶看完了。我难得能看完一本英文原著,这本的确很适合我这种英语很弱...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Ch...