【英文有声书】英文原版 纽伯瑞儿童文学金奖 The Girl Who Drank the Moon《喝月光的女孩》完结共计48条视频,包括:Chapter 01、Chapter 02、Chapter 03等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
The Girl Who Drank the Moon: Chapter 12 Summary & Analysis Next Chapter 13 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis The parent assures the child that the Witch doesn’t live in the Bog—the Bog is entirely good, and with the Witch there it wouldn’t be good, and people would...
The Girl Who Drank The MoonSummary The land called the Protectorate is clouded with sorrow and despair. Its inhabitants have been scared into submission and hopeless obedience by the idea of a witch who threatens their very existence. They are told by the "Elders" to sacrifice the village's ...
所有“没用”的点击都是匿名的。 > The Girl Who Drank the Moon 作者: Kelly Barnhill / 凯莉·巴恩希尔 出版: Algonquin Young Readers 定价: USD 16.95 装帧: Hardcover 页数: 400 时间: 2016-8-9 订阅The Girl Who Drank the Moon的书评 ©...
Need help with Chapter 33. In Which the Witch Encounters an Old Acquaintance in Kelly Barnhill's The Girl Who Drank the Moon? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
今天宝妈为大家带来《醉月的女孩The Girl Who Drank The Moon》电子书 媲美《小飞侠》《绿野仙踪》等经典作品,拥有丰富的层次和多条线索,作者打造了一个庞大而神奇的魔法世界,鲜明的人物、诗意的文字、极富想象力的情节,让人爱不释手。 孩子可以在丰富诗意的文字熏陶下,打好写作基础;在阅读中去理解爱的真谛,获得...
and a father ever since the birth of his daughter. Isabel is the inspiration for his stories replete with playful insights into children and the world around them. The Girl Who Drank the Moon is Isabel's favorite story by her daddy. She loves to read, and often dances with the moon- ev...
童书书籍《英文原版 醉月的女孩 喝月亮的女孩 The Girl Who Drank the Moon纽伯瑞金奖 儿童文学小说》作者:Kelly Barnhill,出版社:Bonnier Zaffre,定价:,在孔网购买该书享超低价格。《英文原版 醉月的女孩 喝月亮的女孩 The Girl Who Drank the Moon纽伯瑞金奖 儿童文
《喝月亮的女孩》(The Girl Who Drank Moon),美国作家凯莉.巴恩希尔(Kelly Barnhill)2016年出版,荣获2017纽伯瑞儿童文学奖金奖,美国图书协会2017 少年读物金奖,学校图书馆杂志图书奖等等大奖。 作者凯莉.巴…