A teenage girl is held captive and brutally tortured by neighborhood children. Based on a true story, this shocking novel reveals the depravity of which we are all capable. 作者简介 ··· 傑克.凱堔 Jack Ketchum 本名為達拉斯.邁爾(Dallas Mayr),曾做過演員、歌手、文學經紀人、木材推銷員,也是...
被改拍成電影的有:《迷失》(The Lost)、《鄰家女孩》(The Girl Next Door)、《紅》(Red)、《後裔》(Offspring)。作者網站:www.jackketchum.net/。 The Girl Next Door 电子书 图书目录 facebooklinkedinmastodonmessengerpinterestreddittelegramtwittervibervkontaktewhatsapp复制链接...
Presents the cover story on the sex-trafficking trade which begins in Eastern Europe and finds its way through Mexico to the U.S..Example of an ordinary house in Plainfield New Jersey which was raided by police; Finding of four female Mexican nationals without papers who were sex slaves not...
He grinned and accompanied me to the place where I paid for the tree, and then out to the car where he ensured the rag was in place on the protruding end of the trunk and the hatchback-door was securely tied. “I thought this wasn’t your job?” I said mischievously. “It’s not...
Kyoko Hori is your typical popular high school girl, excelling in academics and social life. On the other hand, Izumi Miyamura is a quiet, introverted boy who hides his true colorful appearance behind glasses and a plain demeanor. Both have secrets they wish to keep hidden from their classmate...
He didn’t have a girlfriend. When I asked him about it he flushed scarlet and said he was too busy at work. I didn’t believe him; he would be a great catch for any girl. I reckoned there was some special lady he was trying to capture, but she was giving him a hard time. ...
Adapted from a book byJack Ketchum,The Girl Next Dooris one the harshest films that I have ever seen. Although the storyline undoubtedly features a Coming-of-Age narrative, the events that unfold on screen are so horrifically disturbing, that alongside sympathizing with the lead male protagonist...
That poor girl. “Ah!” he yelled as he stepped into the kitchen. Madison stood at the stove with a plate of burned pancakes next to her. … Posted in Story | Tagged bad girl to good girl, heat, non-anthro, transformation, weredog | Leave a reply Begging For Attention Ch. 01 ...
Book Around the Corner The Girl With the TBR TattooHome About Book Around the Corner Reading lists Reading Proust Reading Romain GaryMafalda, a BD and a graphic novel February 16, 2025 7 comments Mafalda, mon héroïne (2024) by Florence Cestac, Maële Reat, Emilie Gleason, Anne Simon,...
Our Book Club reconvenes to discuss R.F. Kuang’s “Babel.” It’s a story about magic and empire and revolution, and our feelings about it are similarly complicated. Plus: A whole bunch of book suggestions! Our next Book Club selection: “Sea of Tranquility” by Emily St. John Mandel...