英语翻译rat mong nhan dc tin,co the tu gioi thieu ve ban mot chut ko?sao biet nick cua minh?ban la nam hay nu?ban ten gi bao nhieu tuoi o dau?minh cung rat vui dc lam wen voi.voi ai nhi
energies Article Implementation and Test of an IEC 61850-Based Automation Framework for the Automated Data Model Integration of DES (ADMID) into DSO SCADA Shuo Chen * , Falko Ebe †, Jeromie Morris †, Heiko Lorenz, Christoph Kondzialka and Gerd Heilscher Smart Grid Research...
aHctoiwoneviserd,idstuinegtuoisthheinsghlyielodbivnigouefsf.eZcth[a3o3]etoaf lt.h[e17s]upbostinrateted, othuet nthuamt tbheer porfeksnenoccek- of the substrate could greatly lower the damage probability of supported graphene in low-energy irradiations (<10 keV), but enhance the defects ...
gels Article Influence of Structure-Directing Additives on the Properties of Poly(methylsilsesquioxane) Aerogel-Like Materials Marta Ochoa 1,2, Alyne Lamy-Mendes 1 , Ana Maia 1, António Portugal 1 and Luísa Durães 1,* 1 CIEPQPF, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra, ...
toxins Review The Incidence of Marine Toxins and the Associated Seafood Poisoning Episodes in the African Countries of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea Isidro José Tamele 1,2,3 , Marisa Silva 1,4 and Vitor Vasconcelos 1,4,* 1 CIIMAR/CIMAR—Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and ...
3. Conclusions The naturally occurring alkaloidss,, varioolliinn B (1) and meridianins 2, as well as their semisynthetic hhyybbrriiddssmmeeriroiolilninss3,3r,eprerpesrensetnhtighhilgyhalyctiavceticvoemcpoomupnodusnwdisthwaitbhroaadbsrpoaecd- tsrpuemctroufmbiooflobgioiclaolgpicraolpperrotip...
iwthohrokwingproonduwctassatreemcoallneactgeedmfreonmt and reductihnegenthdeuusesreaondf hreatzuarnrdedoutosasfuabcislittayn, cceans,sausppwoertlla acosminptaenllyigtoencotmmpolybiwliittyh tshoeluletgioisnlasti(ofnoranedx,aamt ple, the prtohme soatmioentiomf eg,rleeand toraevceolnpomlaincsa...
erl hhvVrilreavtrhvah tuoi nd eoenlunaeuaooehk eeereneeit woRa' bn pasi cuespsa odi e'otd lc tsilgbinyd c i tbaoerl tf i nedrfm aiir o hctnraaa pi dr uefcniuircaast=uhlt(evaattttm bc gato e...