At the same time, by analyzing the fantasy short stories in Excursive Notes on Weird Stories (Truyen ky man luc) by Nguyen Du, this study aims to discover the process of acculturation and creation of materials and motifs from folk narratives, and it discusses how these motifs have been adapt...
Nha Xuat Ban The Gioi, Ha Noi Tran IN (2000) Nghien cuu so sanh Tien dang tan thoai và Truyen ky man luc (Comparative Study of Tieu Dang Tan Thoai and Truyen ky man luc). Nha Xuat Ban Hoi Nha Van, Ha Noi Tran NT (2012) Van hoc Viet Nam tu the ky 10 den the ky 19 (...
designs Article The Design of Net-Zero-Energy Affordable Housing in Philadelphia Gulbin Ozcan-Deniz * ID , Robert Fryer and Ana de Castro Amorim Ferreira ID Jefferson-East Falls Campus, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA; (R.F.); amorimferreira1606@...
Jfoourrtnhael NofetwheYInotrekrnDaitgioitnaallSSaolocinet,ywfhoricthheshAorwts,caSsceiedntchese apnrdemTeicehrnwoloorgky.frTohmeacrooluorndpltahteesgflorobme, wthaessepsupbelicsihaledissbuyeLs ewonearredtoh:eJofiurrsntahl iogfhth-qeuInaltietrynagtlioosnsayl SporciniettsyofofrdtihgeitAalrtasr...
Materials and Methods 2.21..1.SStutudydyAAreraea IrIarqaqisisa acocuonutnrtyryinina asesmemi-ai-raidri/da/arirdidrergegioionnoof fththeeMMididddleleEaEsats.tG. Geoegorgarpaphhiciaclallyl,yt,htehe stsutuddyyaraeraea(D(Dibibddibibbbaaaqaquuifiefre)r)isislolcoactaetdedinincecnetnrtarlalIrIa...
applied sciences Article A Numerical Approach for the Efficient Concept Design of Laser-Based Hybrid Joints Julius Moritz Berges * , Georg Jacobs and Joerg Berroth Institute for Machine Elements and Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Eilfschornsteinstr. 18, 52062 Aachen, Germany * ...