The gift of Magi麦琪的礼物英语鉴赏.pdf,The story opens with $1.87. Thats all Della Dillingham Young has to buy a present for her beloved husband, Jim. And the next day is Christmas. Faced with such a situation, Della promptly bursts into tears on the cou
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《the_gift_of_the_magi 麦琪的礼物英文版 欧亨利.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the_gift_of_the_magi 麦琪的礼物英文版 欧亨利.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 The Gift of the Magi p The Gift of the Magi O NE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-SEVEN CENTS. That was all. She had put it...
欧·亨利的The Gift of the Magi一文中的修辞格.pdf,第8卷第4期 河北理工大学学报(社会科学版) V01.8No.4 ofHebei Science Nov.2008 2008年11月Journal PolytechnicUniversity(SocialEdition) 文章编号:1673-2804(2008)04-0156-04 Giftofthe 欧·亨利的The Magi一文中的
正如叙述者在故事接近尾声时提到的那样,吉姆从不晚下班回来。手表中的黄金也可以象征几样东西,包括纯洁、金钱(这对夫妇缺乏金钱)、内在价值和持久性。 【参考资料】O. Henry(欧·亨利)《The Gift of the Magi》《贤士的礼物》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———...
8.HowdoesO.Henryincorporatetheideasof“beauty”or“appearance”into“TheGiftofthe Magi”?Whatseemstobehisattitudetowardtheseideas?Supportyouranswer. Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted!!! Welcome...
麦琪的礼物(The Gift of the Magi)简介: "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry, originally published in 1906, has become one of the best known and most beloved of Chistmas tales. An exuberant couple urged on by their love, make great sacrifices in order to purchase the perfect Christmas gift ...