The writer gives his opinion in the end that the sorrow of poverty can be swept away by love.Those who sacrificed for each other can receive great happiness in return. IreadThe Gift of MagiwhenIwas in primary school and until nowIstill enjoy reading it not only for the well-developed plo...
The Gift of the Magi is a short story wrote by O.Henry.This story tells that in the day before Christmas,a poor young couple exchanged gifts by sold the most precious thing of each,but resulted ordetracted, the two precious gifts all became useless things.While they got the most precious...
the gift of the magi 的英文故事简介 为了给丈夫买一条白金表链作为圣诞礼物,妻子卖掉了一头秀发.而丈夫出于同样的目的,卖掉了祖传金表给妻子买了一套发梳.尽管彼此的礼物都失去了使用价值,但他们从中获得比情感更重要的东西——爱,却是无价的.
1、The gift of the MagiSummary of “TheGiftoftheMagi”IthappenedonaverypoorbutblissfulyoungcouplenamedJimandDellaintheendof19thcenturyinAmerica.Theyworkedhardbutearnedlittle.Lifeisveryhardforthem.They have only two possessions between them in which they take pride: Dellas beautiful long, flowing hair ...
1、The Gift of MagiThe James family faced a tight budget after Mr. James income was shrunk to $20 per week. The day before Christmas, the fact that Della, James wife, got only $1.87 to buy a present for her husband disposed her to melancholy. After some hesitation, Della decided to ...
The Gift Of The Magi 教学实用PPT TheGiftOfTheMagi–OHenry TheGiftOfMagi 作者简介:Realname:WilliamSydneyPorter O.Henry (1862.9-1910.6)Americanwriter OneofthethreemostfamousmastersofshortnovelHe’sshortstoriesareknownfortheirwit,wordplay,warmcharacterization,andclevertwistending.Hisbestknownshortstories...
Realname:WilliamSydneyPorterAmericanwriterOneofthethreemostfamousmastersofshortnovel 2 O.Henry'sshortstoriesareknownfortheirwit,wordplay,warmcharacterization,andclevertwistendings.Hisbestknownshortstoriesconsistedof:“TheCopandtheAnthem”,“TheGiftoftheMagi”,“TheLastLeave”etal.3 Summaryof“TheGiftoftheMagi...
1、The gift of the Magi第1页/共18页第2页/共18页Summary of “The Gift of the Magi”IthappenedonaverypoorbutblissfulyoungcouplenamedJimandDellaintheendof19thcenturyinAmerica.Theyworkedhardbutearnedlittle.Lifeisveryhardforthem.Theyhaveonlytwopossessionsbetweentheminwhichtheytakepride:Dellasbeautifullong,...