Let’s Begin… On the coast of Northern Ireland, a vast plateau of basalt slabs and columns called the Giant’s Causeway stretches into the ocean. The scientific explanation for this is that it’s the result of molten lava contracting and fracturing as it cooled in the wake of a volcanic...
On the coast of Northern Ireland, a vast plateau of basalt slabs and columns called the Giant's Causeway stretches into the ocean. The scientific explanation for this is that it's the result of molten lava contracting and fracturing as it cooled in the w
This October I had a chance to mix two of my hobbies, geology and mythology, on the Giant’s Causeway in northern Ireland. Geologists tell us that the Giant’s Causeway is a beautiful example of columnar basalt, lava that cooled slowly and cracked into enormous columns of four to eight si...
11.S1E11 奥辛的神话与青春永驻之地 The Myth Of Oisín(Av88311049,P11) 26 2023-01 2 12.S1E12_爱尔兰传说中的巨人堤道_The_Irish_Myth_Of_The_Giant_s_Causeway 50 2023-01 3 14.S1E14 埃及《亡灵书》The Egyptian Book Of The(Av88311049,P14) ...
“The strange light that changes so much from the west to the east, the coastline that becomes more rugged from the north to the south, the ageless beauty of this green, mountainous, flat and river-divided landscape with its vast diversity and geological anomalies like The Giant’s Causeway....
Holy Island is only a part-time island. When the tide goes out, you can walk across the exposed sands, or drive over the causeway. Pilgrims properly go on foot, timing their two-mile passage to coincide with low tide. You don’t want to be caught in the middle when the waters return...
S1E12 爱尔兰传说中的巨人堤道 The Irish Myth Of The Giant's Causeway0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳小叔子结婚当天,婆婆无耻跟儿媳要房子,儿媳瞬间翻脸 六月情感动画V 11跟贴 打开APP 郭德纲主动签反三俗协议,为何两年后出尔反尔?一切与侯耀文有关 芯芯儿说娱 189跟贴 打开APP 男人跟恶魔打扑克,怎料恶魔输...
Robert J. Smithson was the minister of Jedburgh Baptist Church (1911–1914), Victoria Place Baptist Church in Glasgow (1919–1931), and Whyte’s Causeway Baptist Church in Kirkcaldy from 1931 to his retirement in 1949. He was also a scholar and preacher who published a number of books, ...