Ghost" (2022) is a South Indian film that blends elements of horror and drama with a distinctive cultural flavor. Directed by debutant A. S. Ravi, the film stars Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead role, and it's a blend of classic ghostly elements with a modern twist. The movie is set in...
Neil Pond The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “One of Them Days” Movie Review: “Unstoppable” The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “Better Man” The Entertainment Forecast The Entertainment Forecast Movie Review: “Nosferatu” Movie Review: “A Complete Unknown” The Entertainment ForecastBl...
Wicked director defends sequel title change: “Who wants a movie called Wicked: Part Two?” 1/9/2025 by Kevin Fraser Scott Disick Doing Best To Keep Son Safe From Alcoholism 1/9/2025 by Amanda Lauren TV Shows Ace How making ‘September 5’ changed the way John Magaro consumes...
And that's when the guy with the ghost-faced mask shows up... See Where to Watch Every Scream Movie 24. Nosferatu (1922) Director: F.W. Martin Stars: Max Shcreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim Runtime: 94 mins Count Orlok is moving to Germany, and he’s bringing ...
Beneath The Valley Of The Ultravixens – Movie Review: Russ Meyer's last theatrical feature was Beneath The Valley Of The Ultravixens, a motion picture that was “produced... See more|Go to post The Ghost Dance (Vinegar Syndrome) Blu-ray Review ...
Back to the Movies is an Independently run film website based in Stoke on Trent containing reviews, movie news, film discussions and more
Scott’s Review #1,445 Reviewed October 14, 2024 Grade: B+ Wes Craven’s murky swampland, Adrienne Barbeau’s cleavage, and a battle of good versus evil make Swamp Thing (1982) a titillating watch. It is marketed as a superhero movie and contains a famous cover art shot of the ‘swamp...
(nervous laugh). So, as a bonus forAnime Classics, I was able to put back up all the anime I took down due to takedown notices. That anime includes:Casshan: Robot Hunter(plus I added its soundtrack!),Demon City Shinjuku,Ghost Sweeper Mikami,Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland,...
The Iranian-born Anvari wrote and directed this brilliant interplay of horror tropes and commentary on how war and violence can shatter the world more than a ghost could ever consider. A mother and daughter are haunted in 1980s Tehran during the historical War of the Cities. If the falling ...
It had been a boom town when I had seen it in the early months of 1945, one of the main crossroads of the Pacific, and it was a ghost town now. The temporary barracks, which except for the runways and roads, crowded nearly every available square foot of this coral islet, were not...