U艇 The German U-Boat TheGermanU-Boat TheScourgeofTheSecondWorldWar’sSeas •AU-boatisanyoftheGermanSubmarinesofWorldWarIandWorldWarII,aswellastheAustro-HungariansubmarinesofWorldWarI.ThetermderivesfromtheGermanNavy'ssystemofnamingitssubmarineswithUfollowedbyanumber,wheretheUstoodforUnterseeboot(literally...
出版年:2015-8 定价:USD 45.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780764348310 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Volume two (of a four volume series) reveals the story of the seventy-eight German U-boats that passed through the port of Lorient from July ...
U-boat (yo͞o′bōt′) n. AsubmarineoftheGermannavy. [TranslationofGermanU-Boot,shortforUnterseeboot:unter,under(fromMiddleHighGermanunder,fromOldHighGermanuntar;seen̥dher-inIndo-European roots) +See,sea(fromMiddleHighGermansē,fromOldHighGerman)+Boot,boat.] ...
很多潜水员死于没能在供气不足时及时返程,也可能氮醉导致他们忘记检查气压表,总之,许多喜欢“挑战极限”的潜水员殒命于此。 9、新泽西德国沉船 German U Boat 不可思议的二战遗骸,1991年被发现,位于水下73米处,这个深度对任何潜水员来讲都是危险的。传奇的是,发现U-869沉船的3名潜水员就是在发现沉船返回水面时丧...
German U-boat history, photo gallery, U-boat types, technical specification and indepth history of the Battle of the Atlantic. Also features historical battles, tactics, and much more related to the U-boat war.
A more in depth view of the official records gives much the same basic imprint, indicating that the U-196 departed the German U-boat base in La Pallice, occupied France, into the Bay of Biscay March 16, 1944 thence then into the Atlantic under orders for Penang, Malaysia. By early July...
The article focuses on the history of the first German submarine of the Imperial German Navy. The warship was first commissioned in Kiel, an industrial city at the west-Baltic coast on December 14, 1906. The revolutionary UBoat was 42 ...
德国潜艇舰长日记(The Diary of a U-Boat Commander)简介: The diary (translated into English) of a World War One U-Boat commander. As well as being a fascinating glimpse of life on the German U-boats during the intense submarine blockade, this also reminds us there were humans involved - ...
French had 77. Although submarines were slow, fragile and able to dive for only a couple of hours at a time, withtorpedoesthey posed a serious threat to other ships. By 1918 the German Navy had 134 operational U-boats and these managed to sink 192 boats, killing more than 5,400 people...
作者: Uboats 摘要: U-boat, Operation Deadlight, List of German U-boats, List of successful U-boat commanders, Atlantic U-boat Campaign, Operationsbefehl Hartmut, Battle of the Caribbean, Mediterranean U-boat Campaign, Battle of the St. Lawrence 年份: 2011 收藏...