So far as institutions are concerned, Teutonism was less modified in England than in the German fatherland itself, For the gradual conquest and Christianization of Germany which began with Charles the Great, and went on until in the thirteenth century the frontier had advanced eastward to the ...
Willie got the willies when the congregation sang “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken” in McGaw Chapel at The College of Wooster. The professor of German language and literature, a naturalized American citizen, was flashing back to “the Fatherland” where he’d been born, momentarily paralyze...
As they saw it, these officers had unscrupulously served the oppressor for the sake of their own careers whereas they, the Jägers, had sacrificed everything and suffered hardships in the German trenches only for the hope of liberating their fatherland. Together with some of the old activists ...
fatherland Heimchen: 1. cricket Heimweh: 1. nostalgia Heiratsvermittler: 1. match-maker Heizung: 1. heating Hektoliter: 1. hectolitre Hektometer: 1. hectometre Held: 1. hero Heldengedicht: 1. epic poem Heldin: 1. heroine Helium: 1. helium Hellebarde: 1. halberd Helm: 1. helmet ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook parritch Wikipedia (ˈpærɪtʃ; ˈpɑːr-) n (Cookery) a Scot word forporridge Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
Suvorov’s patriotism was based on the idea of service to the fatherland and profound faith in the Russian soldier’s high military capabilities (“there is no one in the world braver than a Russian”) and in the military talent of his subordinates and students, including M. I. Kutuzov, ...
引导语:安徒生童话故事第10篇:幸运的套鞋The Goloshes of Fortune 1.开端 在哥本哈根东街离国王的新市场①不远的一幢房子里,有人开了一个盛大的晚会,因为如果一个人想被回请的话,他自己也得偶尔请请客才成呀。有一半的客人已经坐在桌子旁玩扑克牌,另
The anthem itself, originally known as the "Schweizerpsalm," is much older. In 1841 the priest and composer Alberik Zwyssig of Urn was asked to compose music for a patriotic poem written by his friend, Zurich music publisher Leonhard Widmer. He used a hymn that he had already composed, ...
Although there was a pro-Third Reich movement within the US (the German-American Bund infamously held a fascist rally in Madison Square Garden before the war), they do not seem to have successfully recruited people to go fight for the Fatherland. 56 votes Surprising? Photo: HBO 4 In The ...