A list of the 250 largest American Banks ranked by asset size according to data from the FDIC as of March 31, 2024.
通过国家银行或德国国家汇兑银行(Golddiskontbank),政府在几家最大的银行[10]中持有大量股份:德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)38.5%,商业银行(Commerz-Bank)71%,德累斯顿银行(Dresdner-Bank)97%。[11] 在1936-37年期间,商业银行通过多次出售股份实现了再私有化。这些股份总额达5700万马克,其中最大的一笔交易是在1936年10...
doi:10.1080/01636609409451450SmyserW. R.The Washington QuarterlySee W. R. Smyser, ‘America’s German Central Bank’, Washington Quarterly , Spring 1994.
German American’s Mobile App makes it easy for you to bank on the go. Do your banking right from your iPhone and iPad! You can manage your accounts, pay bills,…
1. To transact business with a bank or maintain a bank account. 2. To operate a bank.Phrasal Verb: bank on To have confidence in; rely on. [Middle English banke, from French banque, from Old Italian banca, bench, moneychanger's table, from Old High German banc.] bank 3 (băngk...
Deeg, Richard, 1993: The State, Banks and Economic Governance in Germany. In: German Politics 2(2), 149-176.Deeg, Richard E. 1992 "The state banks and economic governance in Germany." Paper presented at the 1992 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, Chicago.Deeg, ...
1.A bank in a system of federally chartered commercial banks in the United States, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a department of the US Treasury. 2.A bank controlled by or associated with a national government, especially a central bank. ...
The German term isTräger, a term for which there is no adequate English translation. 6. Formerly, a supporting entity had the formal responsibility to assure the functioning of ‘its’ savings bank (the so-called maintenance obligation) and also to guarantee all obligations of a savings bank...
bank of america debit bank of america nt bank of amrica bank of canda bank of china hong ko bank of china boc bank of china beijing bank of east asia ue bank of elmwood bank of emission bank of england boe bank of england act 1 bank of hua xia tower bank of nova scotia b bank of...
0 使用我的位置 Cedar Knolls 所有日期 目前还没有任何活动举办。 The German American Bank Nutcracker 最近查看 已关注 关注 89 已关注 关注 13 已关注 关注 0 已关注 关注 22 附近的人气活动 已关注 关注 0 #1 已关注 关注 0 #2 已关注 关注 ...