168 George Washington University United States 77.1 169 University of Iowa United States 65.7 170 école Normale Supérieure de Lyon France 79.6 171 University of Ottawa Canada 63.1 171 University of Liverpool United Kingdom 64.8 171 Universit?t Bonn Germany 80.4 174 Georgetown University United States...
194 George Washington University United States 194 University of Reading United Kingdom 196 University of Dundee United Kingdom 197 Florida Institute of Technology United States 198 Newcastle University United Kingdom 199 Boğaziçi University Turkey 199 Tel Aviv University Israel 以上就是新东方在线留学...
2014-2015THE世界大学综合排名TOP200 THE2014-2015年度世界大学排行榜,美国加州理工学院继续荣膺榜首,哈佛大学与牛津大学并列第二位,斯坦福大学位列第四名,剑桥大学取代去年的麻省理工排名第五,麻省理工则位列第六。THE依据13项指标对全球大学排名,包括研究领域、教学、知识成果转换和国际化水平。 另外,2015世界大学声誉...
70 University of Alberta (School of Business) 211 101.86 Canada 71 City University of New York, Baruch College (Zicklin School of Business) 206 99.63 USA 72 Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Business School) 218 98.62 Singapore 73 Southern Methodist University (Edwin L. Cox School of Busin...
George Washington University US146,1185617 59 University of Texas at Dallas: Jindal US130,8085377 59 University of St Gallen Switzerland142,1486717 61 Singapore Management University: Lee Kong Chian Singapore127,1538017 61 University of Georgia: Terry ...
George Washington University 5918150,8745768US 70 University of Toronto: Rotman 7876119,04910059Canada 71 Texas A & M University: Mays 5361138,7991794US 72 Singapore Management University: Lee Kong Chian 9418125,6593574Singapore 73 Mannheim Business School ...
斯坦福法学院以 7.3:1 的学生与教职工比例在美国最低之一而闻名。 它的法律课程多种多样,从第一年的概述开始,涵盖刑法、合同、侵权以及法律研究和写作。然后,学生可以从 280 门不同的课程中进行选择,专攻他们感兴趣的领域。 斯坦福大学的罗伯特皇冠法律图书馆拥有大约500,000本书。
George Washington University 18% 61:39:00 201–250 University of Massachusetts 15% 49:51:00 201–250 University of Miami 16% 53:47:00 201–250 University of South Florida 13% n/a 251–300 Boston College 12% 54:46:00 251–300 Brandeis University 28% 59:41:00 251–300 University at ...
Sweden and the US.All relate to at least one of the five areas the World University Rank-ings measure the teaching envi-ronment,the research environment,research quality,knowledge trans-fer and internationalisation and reflect the fact that the higher edu-cation sector has,like our ra 33、n...
Located in Washington, D.C., the George Washington University offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs t