We first computed the proportion of genetic variance explained by all SNPs mentioned above on the observed scale, and then repeated the analysis using a liability threshold model, i.e., assuming that the binary trait that we use is determined by an unobserved normally distributed liability threshol...
Human neonates have remarkable linguistic sensitivity and the ability to process elaborate speech stimuli within hours of being born. At birth, they show preferences to speech sounds over a variety of non-linguistic, complex sounds1,2. They also prefer their mother’s voice compared with other fem...
University of Chicago Russell Hardin, New York University William L. Harper, University of Western Ontario T. H. Irwin, Cornell University David Kaplan, University of California, Los Angeles Norman Kretzmann, Cornell University (deceased) J. R. Lucas, Merton College, University of Oxford Sally McC...
laevis proteins that were further employed for the prediction of HPIs. Being hexaploid (AABBDD) in nature, a high number of isoforms were found in the wheat proteins. To overcome this complexity, the longest isoforms were considered, followed by the genome-wise segregation of the proteins into ...
The Section of Global Health, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan 3 Department of Medical Quality and Safety Management, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka 558-8585, Japan * Author to whom correspondence should be...
Oecologia Short communications The role of mallard ducks ( Anas platyrhynchos ) in distribution and germination of seedsCampus, Sede BoqerGeorge, TheFaculty, S WiseSciences, LifeAviv, Tel
Photoaffinity labeling of two classes of phencyclidine receptors in the rat brain: Kloog, Y., R. Haring and M. Sokolovsky. Laboratory of Neurobiochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel-Av ...
George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Zoology Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Telefax +972-3-6406010, Tel: +972-3-6407963 Cell: +972-52-3257722 E-mail 1:yleshem@post.tau.ac.il E-mail 2:yossile@tauex.tau.ac.il ...
as well as physiology and ecology. The time courses that are measured in photosynthetic reactions range from femtoseconds to days, which again highlights the complexity of this process. Plant photosynthesis is accomplished by a series of reactions that occur mainly, but not exclusively, in the chlo...
existential verb KuN is mentioned in the Koran (pronounced by God) in connection with the appearance of the angel to Mary; the life-giving capacity of Jesus’s miracles, or the fact Jesus’ heavenly abode is precisely that of Mercury; and Wednesday is exactly the auspicious day of the ...