the geomet..这个主要是windows系统更新时候,里面的一个文件与ANSYS安装的文件重合了,也就是WINDOWS会改变ANSYS的一个文件,这个只要继续升级windows或者退回到以前版本,就可以解决。或者找到
The geomet..这种情况一般是Space Claim模块导致的,重新配置该模块即可解决问题。第一步:在ANSYS安装文件夹下,找到v221\commonfiles\configs\winx64\unconfig中的A
The geometry editor was closed abnormally。 只看楼主收藏回复 你NI尼 初级粉丝 1 如下所示问题求大佬帮助 送TA礼物 1楼2018-08-15 22:57回复 胆小de巨人 初级粉丝 1 我也遇到了 来自Android客户端3楼2022-01-05 20:49 回复 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧...
我安装过程也出现了,unable to start the geometry editor,15.0版本的 ,可以打开DM界面,鼠标一点击就,鼠标指针就变转圈圈,显示未响应,一会儿后就会自动关掉。后来发现是hosts文件的原因,我的hosts文件不是系统原版的,改回原版以后问题就解决了! 幸运的张印1314 白丁 1 我遇到过,是显卡驱动程序的问题,卸载驱动程序...
[GeomEditorTimeOut:DMAddin] Unable to start the geometry editor. #1 Christian.Stemmer New Member Christian Stemmer Join Date: Dec 2014 Posts: 3 Rep Power:11 Hy, we have been struggling with an error trying to open DesignModeller from the Workbench (via Static Structural) double...
我的是unable to start the meshing editor,无语了
将安装时认证的两个文件夹,“share file”“v160”拷到系统文件ANSYS Inc中。也就是重新认证一下就行...
2.2 • 6 Ratings $2.99 Screenshots iPhone iPad Description [Pic Warp] is a powerful photo geomtry editor which supports perspective skew and unskew on your photo. For instance, you can do following things with this app. - Convert skewed book cover area to plane rectangular photo. ...
One-third of the reactor geometry was meshed, taking advantage of a 120°-periodic system and by applying corresponding periodic boundary conditions. A further simplification to a 2D-problem is not possible since the burner uses three distinct high-velocity nozzles around the circumference to inject...
The geometry was simplified to meet the main objectives of the project, which are to perform a global analysis of the sector’s mechanical behavior based on the SMS segmentation. The internal distribution of the pipes and some BSS plates were reconstructed using the detailed geometry of a COB ...