托福阅读tpo7(试题 答案 译文)第1篇-the geologic history of the mediterranean_托福阅读 文档格式: .docx 文档大小: 2.34M 文档页数: 4页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育--课外知识 文档标签:
原文定位:段落倒数第三句“Sediment above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions.”意思是:石膏层上面和下面的沉淀物包含了小的海洋生物化石,这意味着(曾今的)开阔海洋环境。选项分析:A选项推理正确,原文说上层有下层有,则石膏层中没有;B选项原文未提及...
托福译文themediterraneantpo备考pebbles 托福考试 复习托福阅读TPO7(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:TheGeologicHistoryoftheMediterranean托福阅读原文In1970geologistsKennethJ.HsuandWilliamB.F.RyanwerecollectingresearchdatawhileaboardtheoceanographicresearchvesselGlomarChallenger.Anobjectiveofthisparticularcruisewastoinvestigatethefloor...
In 1970 geologists Kenneth J. Hsu and William B.F.Ryan were collecting research data while aboard the oceanographic research vessel Glomar Challenger. An objective of this particular cruise was to investigate the floor of the Mediterranean and to resolve questions about its geologic history. One que...
托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文7-1 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean 托福考试 复习
确实,托福考试中总会遇到一些词,它们非常常见、简单,但放到句子中却不能直接套用常见词意,结合上下文,了解一词多意才能正确理解文章意思。 比如“and”这个词,你会想这么常见并且简单的词,我还会理解错?我们先来看一下TPO7 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean的片段: ...
出国类语培教书匠一枚, 坐标杭州! 希望能够帮助到更多正在备考托福或者雅思的你们! 每天建模半小时,在家接单赚钱养活自己!!! 零基础学游戏建模 相关推荐 托福阅读 TPO精讲系列 TPO18-2 The mystery of yawning 棒棒TANG充电站 40 播放 · 0 弹幕 托福阅读 TPO精讲系列 TPO32-1 Plant Colonization 棒...
托福阅读句子插入题:The Geologic History 【Paragraph 2】■Another task for the Glomar Challenger’s scientists was to try to determine the origin of the domelike masses buried deep beneath the Mediterranean seafloor. ■These structures had been detected years earlier by echo-sounding instruments, but...
TPO7, 第一篇:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean TPO15, 第三篇:Glacier Formation TPO19,第三篇:Discovering the Ice Ages 以上四篇文章,从主题上都与本次考试相关,而从结构上,也比较偏向与从各方学者的观点进行阐述,通过论据对观点支持或反对。相似的话题,相似的结构,能够让学生通过学习,增加对实际考...
TPO7The+Geologic+History+of+the+Mediterranean解析 THE GEOLOGIC HISTORY OF THE MEDITTERANEAN 1. objective目标,目的,宾语,客观的,真实的,所以purpose正确。原句说这个cruise的什么是调查地中海,MS除了feature特色比较不靠谱以外剩下的都对,但前一句说两个人在船上正在采集什么什么,明显这个调查当时还没...