The meaning of THE GENEVA CONVENTION is an international law that explains how people who are wounded or taken prisoner during a war are supposed to be treated.
Theuseofpoison-gases is aclearviolationofinternational law,in particular ofthe"GenevaConvention". 使用毒瓦斯,显然违反国际公法,特别是违反“日内瓦”公约。 10. UndertheGenevaConvention,the Italiansgavethem thesamepayas theirtroopswithadeductionfor theiraccommodation. ...
The Conference convened by the Swiss Federal Council with a view to the revision of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field of 6 July 1906, and the elaboration of a Code relating to Prisoners of War, deliberated at Geneva...
Geneva Convention n. One of a series of agreements first formulated at an international convention held in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1864, establishing rules for the treatment of prisoners of war, the sick, and the wounded. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Co...
The rights of a POW derive from several treaties: the Haque Convention of 1899 and 1907, the Geneva Convention of 1929, and today, chiefly from the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention of 1949. Each state is bound only by the treaty which it has accepted. There are, however, certain ...
The meaning of THE GENERAL PUBLIC is all the people of an area, country, etc.. How to use the general public in a sentence.
Geneva Convention 70 years on: does it still make sense to impose limits on war? You need a Statista Account for unlimited access Immediate access to 1m+ statistics Incl. source references Download as PNG, PDF, XLS, PPT Get full access Already have an account? Login Additional Information...
23 关于“全面控制”标准的讨论,see ICRC, Commentary on the First Geneva Convention, 2 nd edition, above note 11, paras 265–273, in particular para. 271. 10 《日内瓦第一公约评注》修订版—促进对国际人道法之尊重的新工具共同第3条对非国际性武装冲突的规制过去60年里的绝大多数武装冲突都是非...
Commentary on the first Geneva convention: Convention (I) for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field Commentary on the First Geneva Convention,Convention (I)for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Fie...
1958年日内瓦公海公约 GENEVA CONVENTION ON THE HIGH SEAS, 1958 热度: 日内瓦宣言 热度: 日内瓦公约(全文) 热度: Geneva Emotion Wheel Version 3.0 Instructions (TO BE ADAPTED ACCORDING TO THE INTENDED USE) This instrument, called the Geneva Emotion Wheel, is used to measure as ...