说到能结果,慷慨的园丁有个后代André Eve, le jardinier des Roses 月季园丁安德雷·艾夫 有部分人应该知道André Eve这个月季育种苗圃,其实创始人André Eve在2015年已经过世了。这个品种2017年推出,就是为了纪念他。 亲本是慷慨的园丁*Madame Boll(就是市面上的香堡伯爵) 这个品种极香,非常抗病,复花性很好。可...
•展览名称: The Generous Gardener •综合评价: 优秀- •培育:2002年英国,David C. H. Austin (1926-2018) •2002年David Austin Roses Limited (UK) 在英国以名称“The Generous Gardener”推出。•类别:灌木 ,英国月季系列 •颜色:浅粉色 •花香:浓郁麝香、没药、老玫瑰香味。•花型:平均...
慷慨的园丁The Generous Gardener是所有英国月季中最香的一种,“慷慨的园丁”是一款神话般的玫瑰,它拥有令人惊叹的大型重瓣花朵,让人想起睡莲,颜色是白色到柔和的粉红色。强烈的阳光会漂白颜色。淡粉色,香气浓郁,混合了古老的玫瑰,麝香和没药,优雅地固定在坚固的无刺无茎茎上,对着可爱的绿色光泽叶子。植株高大,浓密...
说到能结果,慷慨的园丁有个后代André Eve, le jardinier des Roses 月季园丁安德雷·艾夫有部分人应该知道André Eve这个月季育种苗圃,其实创始人André Eve在2015年已经过世了。这个品种2017年推出,就是为了纪念他。亲本是慷慨的园丁*Madame Boll(就是市面上的香堡伯爵)这个品种极香,非常抗病,复花性很好。可以看...
Rose growers love David Austin roses. He and his family have bred the most beautiful, rich scents of old varieties into modern roses. When he started, very few modern roses had any fragrance. An English climbing rose called ‘The Generous Gardener’ is one of the most fragrant. Its glowing...
The Generous Gardener 作者:Trisha Ashley 出版年:2005-1 页数:320 定价:$ 32.71 ISBN:9780727861696 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 内容简介· ··· Living in an idyllic Welsh village with a handsome husband and a loving daughter, 40-something Fran March has reason to be happy with her lot. Then...
The Generous Gardener EARTH ANGEL: This one is relatively new in my garden and has taken a while to become her best self. Now in her 3rd year, I can say that I need at least one more! Beautiful, fragrant and few roses match her in beauty and charm!
This English Rose ‘The Generous Gardener’ is known for its delicate beauty and award-winning fragrance mixing old rose, musk and myrrh. (Photo courtesy of David Austin Roses) ‘Wollerton Old Hall’ is one of the most fragrant of all English Roses. Its distinctive strong myrrh scent has a...
But Summer’s first morning is no time to ponder the riddles of temporality, or fret the far-off winter night. “Quick, now, here, now, always,”[x]open your door and lean into the freshness of the world. Run barefoot across the lawns of summer. Thank the generous sun. Breathe the...
‘Abraham Darby’, Graham Thomas’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Lady of Shallot’, ‘Golden Celebration’, ‘Snow Goose’, ‘St. Swithun’, ‘Benjamin Britten’, ‘Brother Cadfael’, ‘James Galway’, ’Teasing Georgia’, ‘The Generous Gardener’, ‘Wolverton Old Hall’, ‘Malvern Hills’, and ‘...