the generation after 00s 00后 我们常常把00后,80、90后挂在嘴边,那你们知道他们的英语到底该怎么说吗? 我们常说的“00后”,其实很多种说法都可以表达,最直白的就是“the generation born in the 00s”或“the generation after 00s”。当然“90后”“80后”都可以以此类推(注意此处年代必须带有s)。 不过,你...
the generation after 00s (注意发音:“00s”---two thousands 要是我说错了,请指教 ) “90后”“80后”都可以以此类推 90后 the generation born in 90s ~(注意此处年代必须带有s) This is the generation born in the 00s. 这是一群00后。 generation/ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ 注意:80 90 一...
我们常说的“00后”,其实很多种说法都可以表达,最直白的就是“the generation born in the 00s”或“the generation after 00s”。当然“90后”“80后”都可以以此类推啦~(注意此处年代必须带有s) generation的发音和解释 不过,你知道“80后”“90后”还有一个统称吗? 那就是千禧一代millennials。指的是在2000...
中学英语作文The generation after 00 After 00, a group of spoiled children. Today, it is true that more and more people begin to disagree with the children born after 00. More and more people begin to say that they are a group of spoiled children, the children of the family, and the ...
At the beginning of the school year, a documentary called The Generation After 00s will be screened. As China’s only documentary which has recorded the growth of children for such an extended period (12 years), it explores the secrets of these children’s growth and highlights the power ...
A generation after Americans lost the habit of knowing who their space heroes really are, the Columbia astronauts were remembered Tuesday as awe-struck (肃然起敬的) youngsters who longed to “reach the stars”, and as fun-loving but dedicated adults who never lost their sense of adventure. ...
A“Starman” from Mars made himself known to a generation of Rockers yearning for a new sound who were on the verge of “Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide“. His message of “Soul Love” was an inspiration and though “It Ain’t Easy” to do in this “Suffragette City” he told us to “Ha...
What's Your Impression of the Post-00s? 你心中的“00后”是怎样的一群人? What kind of people do you think the "post-00s" (generation born after 2000) are? “在宽松、自由的环境中长大”,“熟知互联网的强大”,“...
If you were born in the 2000s,you are called the oh-ohs.The 21st century.That would make you young,creative,connected,world-wide,and no doubt smart.Maybe good-looking,too.Right?But what do other people think about your generation?
A generation after Americans lost the habit of knowing who their space heroes really are, the Columbia astronauts were remembered Tuesday as awe-struck (肃然起敬的) youngsters who longed to "reach the stars", and as fun-loving but dedicated adults who never lost their sense of adventure. Pres...