]. Since we included 12 variables in our CCA, we regarded our sample size of n = 201 to be adequate; CCA assumes linear relations among the variables [87,88], so we screened the scatter plots of each pair of variables for non-linear patterns. However, since we did not find any ...
This study used a relatively small sample size, and it assumes that the role of socio-demographic characteristics is captured (as “background factor”) by the behavioral precursors. Therefore, it is a viable avenue for future research to adopt large sample size, and explicitly measure the ...
Trend is one of the data aspects that is an object of assessment in the context of single-case experimental designs. This assessment can be performed both visually and quantitatively. Given that trend, just like other relevant data features such as level, immediacy, or overlap does not have a...
In our opinion, such demand is not sustainable (both economically and geo-politically) and following a cyclical boost, surplus economies will see demand weaken back closer to the pre-pandemic baseline (“pain re-distribution” – essentially a re-surfacing of underlying fragilities). Source: IMF ...
Yes, the textures ("what it feels like") of pain and pleasure may one day infuse alien state-spaces of experience. But in the absence of a subjectively nice or nasty aspect, none of those state-spaces would matter. Indeed, perhaps this is one reason why folk who endorse EY's ...
The governing body for health in the country is the Ministry of Health which, in coordination with the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Care, the governing body for emergencies, and the Presidency of the Republic, who assumes command of the Emergency Operations Committee, ...
t nerfed into oblivion, but if you started a raid with one it would be limited to 10 people and the damage output of remote raiders was dialed back. Kind of a pain, but tolerable. Our remote raid pass text group can still take down a five star boss if we can get six of us in ...
As M and I were discuss this last night, I said I felt like I was girding myself for a marathon. After a moment’s reflection, we both knew that wasn’t it. We both run them: a marathon is a pain but it’s over in less than four hours (quite a bit less for her!). She ...
As Parker handed Benny the old Steiner spy glass in exchange, he took the Bushnells, adjusted them, and emitted an admiring groan that could easily have been taken for a song of pain. “Son of a bitch,” he grinned. An hour later they were waiting for seafood platters over bottomless ...
The methodology assumes the total load pre-disturbance as known, and by weighting voltage measurements at different buses it can estimate the equivalent load behavior of an area. Papers [36,37], instead, are model-identification-based. They make use of optimization for estimating the parameters ...