客西馬尼園 The Garden of Gethsemane 性質:宗教 開放時間: 週一到週六 08:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 費用:免費 建議預留時間:15分鐘 推薦指數: 交通:步行、橄欖山腳,獅門和糞門之間 從橄欖山上一路往山腳走,最後就是觀光氣氛與朝聖氣氛都挺濃厚的客西馬尼園(Garden of Gethsemane)。這裡是耶穌在被捕之前...
1. 客西马尼园 客西马尼园(The Garden of Gethsemane)客西马尼园位於橄榄山山脚,一眼望去遍地草坪,景致优美,几株逾千年树龄的橄榄 … sundayplayer.pixnet.net|基于18个网页 2. 革责玛尼山园 教会消息 ... 耶稣升天 The Ascension革责玛尼山园The Garden of Gethsemane善牧 The Good Shepherd ... ...
客西馬尼園 The Garden of Gethsemane 性質:宗教 開放時間: 週一到週六 08:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 費用:免費 建議預留時間:15分鐘 推薦指數:✨✨✨ 交通:步行、橄欖山腳,獅門和糞門之間 從橄欖山上一路往山腳走,最後就是觀光氣氛與朝聖氣氛都挺濃厚的客西馬尼園(Garden of Gethsemane)。這裡是耶穌...
His passion started in the garden of Gethsemane where He foresaw the suffering He would endure for our sake. Love Jesus Jesus saw this in the Garden of Gethsemane and the cross that followed, as he directed his disciples to Psalm 22 that begins "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me...
The Garden of Gethsemane - Then Jesus *came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and *told His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and
[The Garden of Gethsemane, in] Sabbath recreations; or, select...John Pierpont
一个女孩的肖像(Portrait of a Girl ) 牧羊人的崇拜(Adoration of the Shepherds ) 一个男孩往下看的半身像(Bust of a boy looking down ) 大卫与歌利亚的头(David with the Head of Goliath ) Blick auf die Kirche von Saint-Paul-de-Mausole.jpeg ...
And there is also the touching tale about a young rabbit who patiently waited in the Garden of Gethsemane for three days and nights for his friend Jesus to return, worried about what had become of him. At dawn on Easter morning, Jesus returned to the garden and was welcomed by the loyal...
伊甸園 (論創世記,第十講)(The Garden of Eden - Sermon #10 on the Book of Genesis) 2007 - 08 - 05 AM 基督對創世記的肯定 (論創世記,第九講)(Christ Authenticates the Book of Genesis - Sermon #9 on the Book of Genesis) 2007 - 08 - 04 PM 上面的水 (論創世記,第八講)(The Wa...