瓢虫说完,飞走了。 At eleven o'clock,it bumped into a skunk. 早晨11点,爱生气的瓢虫碰到了一只臭鼬。 "Hey you,"said the grouchy ladybug."Want to fight?" 嗨,你。想打一架吗?” "If you insist,"said the skunk,starting to lift its...
3.(Recreational Drugs)slanga strain of cannabis smoked for its exceptionally powerful psychoactive properties vb (tr)slangUSandCanadianto defeat overwhelmingly in a game [C17: from Algonquian; compare Abnakisegākwskunk] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harpe...
1.(Badminton) a game played with rackets and a shuttlecock, which is hit back and forth across a high net 2.(Cookery) Also called:badminton cupa long refreshing drink of claret with soda water and sugar [C19: named after Badminton House, where the game was first played] ...
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES Game) first released 26th Sep 1988, developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo.
Dead Skunk in the Trunk Mike Lips Last Lunch The Pick-Up Drive Misty For Me Van Heist Top Pages this Week Hao's Special Works 1 Vehicles in GTA V 2 Vehicles in GTA Online 3 Missions in GTA San Andreas 4 100% Completion in GTA San Andreas ...
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo Game) first released 13th Apr 1992, developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo.
063 The Soccer Game 足球游戏 064 Books 书 065 Bunny And The Monster 兔子和怪物 066 The Pool 池塘 067 Pictures Of Hugs 拍照片 068 Farmer Dan's Ducks 农夫的鸭子 069 The Big Storm 大风暴 070 My Five Senses 五种感官 071 Goldie and the Three Bears 三只熊 ...
The cooldown of the Rabbyss's skill has been increased by 2 seconds The Iceberg's skill has been buffed: its cooldown has been reduced, its damage over time has been increased, and it now has a 10% chance to apply the freeze effect The Toxic Fog skill of the Skunk and the Poleca...
People usually get sprayed when walking through their yards in the dark (if you can’t see a skunk, you can’t run away), or if they disturb a skunk while eating. Those are good reasons to keep skunks out of your yard in the first place—and always carry a flashlight!
The meaning of HEEL is the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch. How to use heel in a sentence.