{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:5576081"},"subject":"Re: The game cannot start normally after the update","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:5576082"},"body":"@MrBxQUQ Hi, we don't have any Chinese support on AHQ so we...
The problem is that I cannot start the game, right after I click the Play button in the launcher I got this message I reinstalled the game and delete all config files I found on Appdate and such, but still the same problem. My setup: ...
Run the game on an older Windows version (like on an older PC or in a Virtual Machine) where the copy protection system still works. Circumvent the copy protection system using a 3rd party patch (which, I believe, in this case, is certainly a justified case). ...
1、 win7电脑点升级网卡驱动,重启电脑。如果是最新的卸载网卡驱动,重新安装网卡驱动。重启电脑。 win10电脑点升级网卡驱动,重启电脑。如果是最新的卸载网卡驱动,重新安装网卡驱动。重启电脑 2、重新做系统。3、可以重新更换一个设备继续游戏。4、询问客服详细情况。如果自己并没有开挂和其他作弊行为的话...
ERROR:cannot Start the graphics device,check your setting are valid in the config tool。。。这...
提示数据损坏,如果确定你的ps文件没问题的话,可能是你文件夹放的位置不对,你要建个文件夹,把你转好的PS镜像文件放进去,然后把这个文件夹copy到 /PSP/GAME/目录下,而不是直接把文件放到GAME目录下 放
If you have installed the game but the icon for the game is not displayed in Games Explorer, you can manually create a shortcut from the game folder. To do this, follow these steps: ClickStart, and then clickComputer. Double-click Drive C. ...
Insert the disc 1 CD/DVD for your game into the CD/DVD drive of the computer. ClickStart, point toPrograms, point toAccessories, and then clickWindows Explorer. Locate and then click the following folder: CDDrive:\ DirectX9Note In this path,CDDriverepresents the ...
有这种情况一般说明系统没有被破解,游戏需要系统破解了才能玩的 两种
[]}}},"archivalData":null,"searchSnippet":"i downloaded the game (star wars battlefront 2) for the first time yesterday, the game CANNOT start instead i get a message telling me to activate it (the game was purchased via epic store) is ...","descendants":{"__typename":"Message...