Still in high spirits, Lauren cheered for Lady Tiger off the court. Just at that time, Coach called a time-out. He walked over to Lauren and said something to her, then something to her teammates. In a minute, Lauren was in the game. My heart doubled its beat, watching wide-eyed....
The game restarted and Lauren kept pace with the others fairly well. Then something happened. They passed Lauren the ball. She caught it and dribbled toward the goal. Amazingly, the opposing team did not block her. She shot. She scored! Applause exploded. Lauren gave her teammates five, ...
His dad laughed.“I didn’t miss a shot in that game. But look at the score. I would have traded every shot for a win,”he said with regret. George hadn't noticed that his dad's team had lost the game just by one point.“Th...
Early in 2023, a new game called Hi-Fi Rush dropped out of nowhere and took the gaming world by storm. A third-person hack-and-slash with rhythm elements and a groovy soundtrack, Hi-Fi Rush is an absolute blast. The cel-shaded art is gorgeous, the gameplay is addictive, and the cha...
When I win at my favourite games, my opponents tend to say: 'OH, you’re so competitive!' But when I lose, they smile good-naturedly and say: 'Bad luck! Good game!' This suggests that accurate sporting expression...
2. C Columbia High School Girls' Soccer Team had lost every game in the season until a new stepped in two years ago.可知,哥伦比亚高中女子足球队迎来了新教练之后 就结束了之前的连败生涯,可推知此处指新教练对球队进行 了改组,对人员进行重新安排。 reorganize意为“重组,重新 安排” ,符合语境。
When our Boston-born sons were growing up, we often played the German equivalent of the board game "Trivial Pursuit" - all in German. In German, it was called "Spiel des Wissens" (Game of Knowledge). For playing this board game, we used set phrases: "Du bist dran." (It's your tu...
高校男生 The History Boys 中英文剧本神所赐,出人意外的平安The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds必在基督耶稣里in the knowledge and love of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord,保守你们的心怀意念and the blessing of God Almighty.天父,圣子和圣灵The...
And I most loved playing the game of football. 我最喜欢踢足球。 Now I will start off by addressing the biggest elephant in the room. 现在我将首先提出最不愿多谈的话题, I know most of you love American football. 我知道你们大多数人都喜欢美式足球, ...
* This is a high-quality 2D decryption game, from the aesthetic scene and mysterious atmosphere, coupled with the story of the rich twists and turns of the myst…